Megara Justice Machine

Asking society to stop warring is useless and shallow? Ouch!

Phrasing! We're doing that, right? Phrasing!

"Great Job, 1973!"

It's god work though, keep going.

Oh god, the 80s, it burns!!

Upvoted because I sort of like the idiocy of upvoting something not yet posted.

A couple of years ago I went to some local hole-in-the-wall comedy club out in some lost suburb that featured the sorts of comics who can barely do well enough to actually live on the road doing their shtick (one was even trying to hawk Tshirts with one of his best jokes on it). While standing in line, I took a few

But it's fun to say!

Which is kind of funny because out in Golden CO where they (used?) to make it, there was a liquor store literally right across the street from the plant with a sign up reading "freshest Coors in town!" Then again, free is free.

Upvoted for historical sitation.

My hat's off to your pun!

That's pretty funny considering his long history with the Simpsons.

My stride mother has this thing figured out though.

Of course the semicolon is dead, people don't like long sentences full of thoughts only capable of being communicated in ranging discourse; it's sad.

The idea of 3-D Man itself sells the movie… "IN 3-D!"

Disney is ABC though. Would you blame the muppet or the hand inside of it for something you didn't like?

Making them "relevant" again (I'm not even sure what that means but I'll go with it) seems to me is only as far away as getting them good writers; Jason Segel did a decent job on his movie. If it wasn't a moribund Disney property now, more daring choices made for and in the writer's room could be real fun to see

And S. Clay Wilson, to be fair, all those people stuffed into the image everywhere reminds me of his two page spreads of pirates fighting.

Huh, I saw this film not that long ago and recall his narration was pretty accurate to the subtitled version; then again it was months ago and I could be wrong. Then again, for all I know, they just took that track for the subtitles.

I just looked it up, he started off self publishing then went to the larger company.