What astonishes me about the MyPillow guy is that he used to be such a hardcore crackhead his own dealer refused to sell him any more. He apparently was waving money, cash money at every dealer in town and they all were YOU NEED REHAB.
What astonishes me about the MyPillow guy is that he used to be such a hardcore crackhead his own dealer refused to sell him any more. He apparently was waving money, cash money at every dealer in town and they all were YOU NEED REHAB.
Yup - I love how they always miss that. Like, guys, if you’re going to use the metaphor, then perhaps actually follow it.
Yup. Isn’t the phrase, “A few bad apples spoil the bunch?” Since we like to use fruit metaphors for these guys. Get rid of the bad apples sooner, then, perhaps, that can help repair the relationship between communities their PDs.
Police ‘Unions” never call themselves Unions. The are always the Police Benevolent Association or some such nonsense. They have historically been the strikebreakers of first resort and are traitors to the working class that they are members of.
And the rest of that saying is “...ruin the bunch”
Trump likes people who keep a low profile; he cannot abide people who take for themselves news cycles that should be going to him. I don't know that steve king is capable of going low-profile enough to make it in the trump administration.
The people of Iowa’s fourth congressional district deserve better.
i used to be a retail pharmacist and, for a VERY short time, worked for cvs. something i learned from working retail - pbm’s are evil. what i learned from cvs - cvs is FUCKING EVIL and INCOMPETENT to the point of criminal negligence.
I think it’s very reasonable that many close/important people in his life had no clue. Think of it like any other personal secret one only shares with others in that loop. Like someone hiding drug addiction or homosexuality from family/friends. What we need to work for (and hope for) is that his female counterpart in…
This is the same generation that uses Consumer Reports as gospel.
Thank you for writing a giant screed about how this all affects you.
It really is stunning how taxes are ingrained as such a huge issue, but they have no concept of what they pay for health insurance, and how it could be much cheaper. For some reason deductions don’t register as a tax. This is the same generation that uses Consumer Reports as gospel.
The evolution of the Boomers is a fascinating subject. A couple of thoughts (among many others): A) we overestimate how many were out in street chanting anti-war slogans. Most Boomers just went on about their normal, rascist-adjacent American lives during that time period. We’ve just never heard much about them…
Here’s a parallel. Duncan Hunter is a GOP rep from a district in southern CA (he’s the guy who vaped on the house floor and won re-election after blaming his wife for his campaign finance misappropriation). I’m originally from San Diego, and I can tell you that the only people in that Iowa sized region who aren’t…
That seems highly accurate. The men I know born around those exact years seem particularly aggrieved by women and African-Americans. And not other races, at least nearly to the same degree. Sure, they hate the illegals but they still consider them harder working. They feel that they gave something away to…
It was coming of age just after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and just before the passage of no-fault divorce laws. Not even kidding.
Sure, i buy most of that. But steve king has been in office since when? 2002 or 03? he has a lot of outright support so clearly he is not perceived as an embarrassment to all.
Well, Steve, I don’t want people legislating my pussy that don’t own it, or that don’t know how to use it, or that would never be invited near it.
Remember, he is not the problem. Its the good people of his Iowa district that keep voting for him - they are hte problem. From Steve King to Trump - they are merely symptoms of the fact that ~40% of our country want these ppl in office.