Dinosaurs and Nachos, Very Legal and Very Cool!

Every time I see his face lately, I think “rotisserie chicken” based on the color and texture* of his skin.

Blow jobs. And Bill was charismatic, people liked him, and he gave Bush Sr. a single term. 

Trump is a buffoon, and his pointless trade wars, backfiring tariffs, and other shenanigans are bad for business. Hard for these guys to make money gambling on the economy when at any moment Trump might just piss on the cards or swallow one of the dice.

I’m sure this has nothing to do with how donations made to him get used on other things, like being put into his bank account somewhere hidden away. Or to pay his lawyers.

The same people who said she didn’t have the stamina to be President also think she’s a part-time ninja with a bodycount in the hundreds.

This is going to be an ongoing post- like Uncle Milty and his GOOD JOB GUN NUTS posts.

I’d say it was more that they all bought into the years and years of Clinton hysteria from right wing media. That’s really the only place where you would get that sort of obsessive fixation on the Clintons (other than maybe the far far left).

Hell, they’ll call small-d democracy Socialism at this point, quite literally. Ladies and gentlemen, to demonstrate my point, I give you the Senate Majority Leader, just last night, on Laura Ingraham’s show:

... and I’ve maybe got a whole Tumblr of all the insane shit that these people ascribe to my criminal superpowers & all the crimes I’m supposed to be locked up for, and maybe I like to go through it for a laugh after a couple glasses of wine in the evenings.

Seriously. As a non-American, Hillary seems about as exciting / threatening as a beige filing cabinet.

There was just "something" they didn't like about her....

Because she was a woman. 

“Bob said she and her husband were murderers who would destroy the country. He thought she was an evil person and a socialist.”

Aaaaand this is what makes Biden smart for sucking up to the GOP donors... These fools are there for the taking, waiting to be harvested & parted from their money. Without Clinton as a nemesis to stick pins into, their hollow little hearts just ain’t in it.

I think there were some on Hardball last night before I changed the channel out of disgust at yet another pointless, fascist-appeasing Cletus Safari.

Does this mean we can expect a round of sympathetic articles about people with people who are Trump supporters despite their close relationships with undocumented immigrants, who are now being deported and are devastated that Trump is doing the cruel thing he promised and it is impacting them personally, and who are

look, they’re just camps to store the people who must be removed from the nation-body due to their impure blood poisoning it by their mere presence. what ethnic cleansing.

They are. By definition. They’re extrajudicial detention centers.