I would pay for a subscription to Splinter if they hired her to troll everyone here.
I would pay for a subscription to Splinter if they hired her to troll everyone here.
So, we’re just admitting that we don’t get dry humor now? That’s a thing we’re doing?
Hell, my professors in law school used to advise us on how to deal with the question of whether we had kids or were planning to have kids in job interviews.
this guy gets it
Oh, you’ve never heard of a CYA contract?
Do you think she didn’t?
No, not all of them do vote.
I think that is definitely necessary, I just don’t think it’s sufficient.
January 5, 2015. I had just told my boss I was pregnant a week or so before.
I mean, I actually give Kim props for caring and doing what she can. She doesn’t have much in this world other than money and celebrity and she is at least wielding her celebrity in a positive way.
The problem is that NAFTA existed, then Trump was elected, then he blew it up for the purpose of NAFTA 2.0.
Not only that, but this case is also giving the Mueller Report some much needed cred. The American people are watching Trump obstruct justice in real time rather than reading about it in some report that they’ve been told is super partisan and not really legitimate.
They’re not trying to “get” those voters.
How many of those are laws?
We haven’t heard about it because if they don’t pass the Senate and get signed by the President, they don’t become law.
Oh lord, here we go again.
What do you value more? The small bit of money you could get, or the lifetime of control over another human being?
Yeah, and not paying restitution racks up fines and fees. Sometimes courts issue bench warrants to “get” people to “pay.” (In reality, to have some excuse to round them up and throw them in a jail cell so that a private prison company can earn more profits.) It keeps people stuck in the system with no way out and…
Feature, not a bug.