
Haiti has been in the news after they had the massive earthquake in 2010 (magnitude 7) and a subsequent cholera epidemic. As part of the news at that time they talked about how it was one of the poorest countries in the world.

Jeanette's sister wanted to get a job back at Hesby's farm. There are only two reason why she would go there
1) she was at rock bottom and that was her final option or
2) she felt like she was owed something from them.

I get the feeling the only person who's doing good by others is the one that's going to end up in jail - that Kimara is going to take that donation for her own IVF treatment and get caught.

But she stopped thinking for herself twenty-four years ago when she got married.

(IIRC) Taylor wasn't thwarted - he left after the secretary showed him sympathy for the way he was treated. He went and watched the dancing and found some peace in their beauty.

I thought she was good - so far she has been so sure of herself and disparaging of her parents but then things go wrong for her and she regresses to this little kid in need of her parents who looks innocent, vulnerable and out of her depth.