Megann Harvey

Oh for fucks sake, if a motherfucker tried to use his physical strength against me he’d be lucky if he just got away with plate in the face. Fuck these men for thinking they can touch and treat and then get angry at women as they like. Fuck this article. That was straight up abuse. If you feel so sacred of your

It can be a means to an end though. The whole point of emotional abuse is to very subtly torture the other person until you break them. But it has to be subtle. So it’s stuff that people will look at from the outside and be like , that’s all? My ex broke me when he put the winter coats away. It sounds stupid but there

My abusive ex also loved animals. Well until he was well and truly pissed at me. Then all of a sudden my dog started getting sick. Ex is gone, dog is better. Weird, huh?

He restrained her AFTER he annoyed her. That’s abuse.

He restrained her, after she tried to escape the situation. She threw hot food on him so that she could get away. Self-defense should not be confused with abuse.

I would consider it self defense. Self defense is not abusive.

i discovered this recently when i moved into the place i’m living now and one of the first evenings i went out for groceries (i walk, carry my stuff in a backpack) i was followed home by a creepster. as soon as i realised he was intentionally following me (i crossed the street in the middle of a block, twice, and he

My best dating advise is to find someone who is kind to animals. People who love dogs and cats and care for them are usually good and kind people.

Yes yes yes! I totally agree with you about girls feeling like they need to be polite in everything they do. ANY gut feeling that gives you a red flag should be the indication to get the fuck out. This doesn’t even just apply to abuse. If someone does/says something that makes you get that weird gut feeling, leave.

Yes! It’s an inner spidey sense that is so important to guide you through confusing times. Fight or flight...I’d rather my girls not be afraid of offending someone or being rude to get out of situations. Just leave. I think too often we expect girls to have good manners but fuck all of that if your date is pulling

Are we reversing the roles all the way and making the woman the physically dominant person who can prevent the man from leaving when he wants to?

She didn’t just “want him to stop and was the weaker party”, she had told him repeatedly to stop, tried to get away from him, been physically restrained by him and been told that she’d be physically restrained again if she tried to get away again. Anger rather than fear is a completely normal emotion in that situation

You don’t have to be afraid to have the right to defend yourself.

Yep, as the marriage counselor told my ex-husband, when he prevented me from leaving, that was abuse. My ex never hit me, but he would back me into corners and stand over me, would wake me up out of a sound sleep, and would prevent me from leaving the room or the house. Along with lots and lots of gaslighting, those

Honestly, depending on how he reacted to that/tone in his voice, I would have probably been afraid of being hit too. It might not have been a rational fear (it doesn’t sounds like he ever thought about hitting her), but I’ve definitely been suddenly afraid a partner was going to hit me when they suddenly became angry

Yeah, I looked back at it again and it said that she asked him several times to stop. I wasn’t thinking about that as much.

How else do suggest she got him to stop?

My abusive ex loved animals (particularly cats) and animals loved him. :(

Thank you for this- no one likes to talk about domestic violence. It’s like getting dog shit on your shoe. Sadly, females between the ages of 16 and 24 are roughly 3 times more likely than the rest of the population to be abused by an intimate partner. Someone needs to talk to these young women so they don’t become