Megann Harvey

I fully understand that this is beside the point and likely of no comfort but as a bartender who cards people regularly I don’t think I have ever looked at the gender part of an ID. Gender doesn’t help me identify people or know if they’re old enough. Date of birth, then expiration date, then photo always and if I

Good answer. You addressed my point very clearly. I now see that I am a bigot for believing that biological sex is real and that tracking crimes against women is offensive. Thank you for educating me.

Um, male physiology is different from female physiology. Your dr needs to know your sex.

Doctor doesn’t need to see my ID, only for billing and insurance fraud prevention. For statistical purposes, fine, but again, it’s​ not needed on IDs. When one gets arrested and strip searched, they can determine the physical sex. Pay gap doesn’t require an ID and maybe the ID exacerbates the whole thing...there may

As cis-gendered, I hate filling in those boxes. What difference does it make? I see myself a human first and male last, and only because someone drilled it in to me. When was the last time they needed to check your crotch for identification? Maybe in North Korea, just for humiliation purposes, but the rest of

Yeah, I think she definitely needs (and deserves) your comment. I totally agree with you. This article rocked.

Weak insecure hacks like Lord and Miller will always see a competent and relentless woman as “hysterical.”

My dad will still refer to my voice as “shrill” when I’m debating something or raising my voice, no matter how many times I point out it’s because he’s not used to listening to women’s voices. This is also why I despise all the condescending conversation around women who uptalk, have vocal fry and say “like.” The

Exactly, men think they get to decide if we are allowed to be mad or not.

Now that I’m thinking of it, it’s pretty depressing how many examples there are of words that are mostly or exclusively used to shut down women. Off the top of my head:

Stassa, you don’t need this lame commenter’s commendation, but this was really well done and must have taken ages. Brava, girl.

See also: “it’s that time of the month, huh?”

What I think of when a woman is called hysterical:

“Hysterical” is kind of inherently gendered, even when applied to a man. Like, when you call a man a “bitch”, part of the insult is that you’re saying he’s like woman.

Yes to all of this. You said it much more eloquently than the thoughts in my head.

In the conversation I referenced, that was exactly the example I used. It’s a bit dated now, but “shrewish” is another.

Very well put.

Just like the word “shrill” is almost exclusively used against women.

I’ve had discussions where individuals try to dismiss the use of the word as “non-gendered” because the word does legitimately describe a specific psychological state of extreme emotionality that is applicable to both men and women.