miggery sow

Your comment wraps up my feelings perfectly and explains why I can see this situation and think that it is uplifting.

You know, without clicking over to the link (so I may be missing something), I don't hate Madonna for saying that it's tough to be a single working mom. Yes, Madonna has more resources than almost anyone else in the world and it's probably a million times easier for her to find and pay for good daycare/nannies than it

Like Afternoon Delight wrote, women's bodies vary and because of that "normal" varies too. I was a huge pregnant woman. People who saw me assumed I was having twins. My doctor even estimated that my baby would weigh three or four pounds more than he did. Most of it was water. I kept my weight under control until the

My baby will be three months old next week and he really is the most wonderful thing ever (I used to roll my eyes at comments like that, but I'm one hundred percent snark-free when I say it now). I love him more than I could have imagined and I would never-never-never do anything to hurt him.

The stretch marks are my favorite part of the picture. I wish I'd seen more pictures like this one before and during my pregnancy. I was covered with marks like that and it depressed the shit out of me. They're fading, but still pretty scary 12 weeks after giving birth.

I live in Arizona. I'm tired of defending my state. This is just terrible.

To be fair, the Debbie Harry pics looked an awful lot like Lindsay Lohan when she stepped out a few days earlier. They were both completely covered with really big blonde bangs.

My baby is eleven weeks old.

My little guy is eleven weeks old—so almost three months old.

Isn't there a third camp of people who don't want a girl because they just really-really want a little boy? My sister-in-law wanted a boy because she wanted any future children to have a big brother—because she'd had a big brother and she thought it was awesome. My partner wanted a boy because, well, he just really

I'm back at work now so naps are out, but he's sleeping a lot better too. In the beginning, I'd drift off sometimes while I was feeding him. Those were my power naps. Sleep while he sleeps was great-but-completely-unhelpful advice. I felt lucky if I could shower while he slept.

My little guy is 2 months old now. We accidentally learned his gender in my last ultrasound at 35 weeks. Otherwise, it would have been a surprise at birth. It amazed me how many people didn't believe me when I said that I really didn't care if he was a boy or a girl. It was funny too how many people, including my

I was one of those people too, NEEDING eight hours of sleep a night to feel like a normal person, but as soon as my little guy (2 months old now) was born, I suddenly felt like I didn't need sleep at all. I could sit up with him most of the night and still feel pretty fabulous (most days) when the sun came up. I

My two-month-old makes a goofy face (and he does that a lot!), he's going to be a comedian ... he scowls, he's going to be a judge hearing criminal cases and putting the fear of god into people ... oooh, the fear of god with a joker's face!

I didn't realize that "I hope it all works out" was such a negative thing to say ... although, now that I'm typing it, it doesn't feel all that positive. I'm torn. I still think it depends a lot on his tone of voice.

I watched Cougar Town for the first time last week and their faces were so distracting! I kept wondering if they'd written an explanation into the story line somewhere along the way to make up for the two best friends both looking like that. And every time Courtney Cox spoke, I felt sad. I thought she was so

While I wouldn't necessarily put it past them to blow dry their baby's hair, my two-month-old has hair almost exactly like hers and it's never been blown dry.

It's too bad because this is a pretty dress that I might have considered buying—but seeing the fingers like that reminds me that the picture has been photoshopped to the point that I probably have no idea how it would actually look.

I never really liked peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and I'm only 5'7". If only I'd known!!

Has there been any kind of study showing that women set crappier goals than men? I mean, are most of the men out there setting high-minded career goals while the women are pithily focusing on weight loss and appearance? Because I always thought that most people, male and female, set pithy weight loss type goals for