miggery sow

This idea that men can't stop themselves once they're aroused has got to be stopped. It is one of the stupidest and most dangerous lessons out there. Of course we have a rape culture. If men just can't help themselves then all moderation falls on women.

My mom had eight kids. She tried to breastfeed me (her first), but switched to formula after a couple of weeks. She didn't try at all with the next two. I don't know why she tried it again with the 4th, but her last five were all breastfed and she didn't wean number eight until he was two. So ... long intro to my mom

I chose to breastfeed my baby, but I refuse to believe that formula is bad. Some of my friends breastfed, some formula fed, some combined the two and we've all got healthy and

I don't see the big deal. I've never worked anywhere that didn't have some kind of dress code. Why shouldn't teachers have a dress code too? Yes, they have degrees. Yes, we're trusting them with children. It's not unreasonable to expect them to dress and act professionally. Hopefully, most teachers won't need the

According to the linked article the baby is five weeks old, not five months old. Imagining this happening to a five-month-old is scary enough. At five weeks, the baby can still barely bobble his head, he is so incredibly helpless. I can't imagine ... there's so so much I can't imagine, but these are the parents who

I killed every episode of Psych and all the Bewitched and Magnum PI offerings on Hulu during the first few weeks of my maternity leave. Then I I caught up on 30 Rock and The Office which I hadn't seen since I got rid of my TV a few years ago, I finally figured out what Glee was about and I started watching Parks &

If every normal bodily function is the same as pooping, why don't we compare breathing to pooping too? The defecation comparison is silly. Like breathing (and unlike pooping) feeding my baby in public, whether I use a bottle or a breast, carries no health risks for anyone. There's nothing to clean up afterward and I'm

As a mom who is breastfeeding right now, this very minute, as I read and type (I really wanted to start my comment with "as a..." :-) ), I'm constantly shocked at how many people compare breastfeeding to pooping. Breastfeeding in public is NOT the same as pooping in public, but even scanning the comments here, the

I'm sorry, if this woman is so eager to have children, why is she waiting for Mr. Right? She's obviously financially stable enough to handle it on her own. Am I the crazy one here? I know it's still preferred to have two parents, but if having children is that important, why wait for a fantasy man that might never

It's funny, all the people protesting that Diddy's son doesn't deserve a scholarship. It's not a needs-based scholarship. He earned it. Why aren't we celebrating that? This is a celebrity's kid who's grown up with wealth and privilege and he's learning (or learned) to work hard and EARN his way.

That made me laugh so hard. How cute. It reminds me of me and my sister a thousand years ago.

Why should the only valid measurement of "gorgeous" be the eyes of, say, >95% of hetero males? I think she's beautiful. Maybe a lot of that beauty comes from her confidence and smile, but confidence and smiling does a lot for a lot of people.

When people ask why I don't want to marry the father of my baby—we're great friends in spite of everything I'm writing here, but we don't live together and have no plans to marry—I think I'm going to start pointing to #2 on this list. I think sympathizing or at least knowing how to express sympathy is so important in

Oh, no! My AP-lite won't extend that far. :-P

I think I practice a light form of AP. I breastfeed and co-sleep and I love-love-love to carry my baby (he's 4.5 months old) so he's in my arms more often than not, but I also work full-time. I work because I have to; I'm not independently wealthy and I don't want anyone else to support me, but I also like my job. I

I read this from work yesterday, but comments are blocked at my work so I couldn't respond. I just want to say, Dodai, I love you. This has got to be one of the best articles I've read here in a long time. Maybe ever.