
Yeah, it's easy to forget that it wasn't released with Dual Shock. Think back to playing the original Tomb Raider. It did not have analog stick support. Now that is crazy. You had to hold L1(?) and use the D-pad to look around a room. That's so weird to me because my memory insists I used an analog stick for that. Lol.

Hands-down the old gold wins. I always wonder the same thing. That N64 Zelda is UGLY. The NES one is AWESOME. Somebody made a huge mistake by switching.

You'd be surprised to know that they remember the name of their old console and have a few available to paint/decal and ship to a handful of VIP's? I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they already had some painted and sitting in storage just waiting to be needed. "No, don't toss them. We'll be glad we kept them.

There was an NES one: Google "Sharp Nintendo Television." You could play it on the road if you have an RV. ;)

The PS one didn't come with the screen. It's just a slim version of the original Playstation and one of the accessories offered was an attachable screen. You could buy the screen and the console in a combo pack but the PS One is still just the console.

Sony is just killing it so far. This is hilarious. I'd love to see some funny comparison video. "PS One vs. Xbox One." Show some side-by-side comparisons of Twisted Metal vs. the DVR, Gran Turismo vs. voice control, etc.