
Even if warren had claimed to be fully native american and showed up to an admissions interview wearing a construction paper headband with a feather glued to it - why the fuck would you bring it up in this circumstance?

My goodness, the number of white males who are leaders on feminism, racism, diversity, sexism... it’s so overwhelming! There are so many, and they are so good, that they just naturally crowd out the few people of color and women who could speak on these issues. Besides, the white men are better at it, anyway.

Dude, the fact that there is not a designated staffer with the sole task of faking a heart attack every time the President starts his remarks with “I’m not going to read the prepared speech” is just a failure of leadership at this point.

I adore Seth Meyers. I think he’ll be an excellent host, and he’s done a great job of covering women’s issues going back to his SNL days.

In today’s White House press briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended the president’s comments, arguing that “Pocahontas” is not a racial slur and that the president’s comments were not disrespectful to the men being honored. “Why did he feel the need to say something offensive to many people?” one reporter

I think the snark in this article is more on Forbes for calling him the “feminist” choice than on Seth Meyers, who is just fine and certainly better than Ricky Gervais or Jimmy Fallon. I agree, Seth will probably be good at this. Also, Get Out is almost certainly going to win its category this year so it will probably

This is why I only ever go to women massage therapists. What the hell?

It’s a lot more common for the Licensed Massage Therapist- not masseuse or masseur, as those are highly outdated and insulting terms, but Licensed Massage Therapist!!!- to receive unwanted sexual advances, to be sexually propositioned, or sexually assaulted. I’m currently in school to become a Licensed Massage

Yeah, I think many more customers are probably trying to get a “happy ending” (aka harassing) from their massage therapist than massage therapists are assaulting customers, but it’s terrible on either end. I found out about a year ago that one of the major donors to a non-profit my boss is on the Board of and that I

Yeah, no. We’re not gonna judge victims and put the burden on women to end serial abuses perpetrated by men. You know who shoulda stepped up? All the 🖕🏻🖕🏻s who knew what was going on (from DAs to private lawyers to co-execs and business associates) and had the power to stop it but failed to do a damn thing

Uma Thurman should have continued to be a huge star after Kill Bill. I don’t think she’s the most versatile actor in the world but she’s sure as hell a better action star than Angelina Jolie (and she aged better, which I only mention because it *does* matter in Hollywood) or many others. But, instead, she had over a

Many women did. Women went to the cops. Cops set up stinh operations only to have DA still not pursue charges.

Given that I’ve seen “baby bump!” rumors start over photos where it looked like the woman had merely exhaled. . .

If this makes it to SCOTUS, I’m afraid we may well be fucked. It won’t get there anytime soon and if we lose a liberal justice before then, yeah, we are good and fucked.

Glad to see that one leg of the checks n balances system is working, at least.

Too late. I now love the Tea Party.

You know what scares me a little about all of this mass exposure of harassment?

Yes! THIS is the question!

And why are we giving military aid to Myanmar? Their military is committing mass rape and genocide.

All of this frustrates me, but the loss of net neutrality is downright frightening. I would argue this is a violation by proxy of the First Amendment as the FCC is encouraging and giving companies the ability to censor and control information to the public. To me, it’s no different than a major-party presidential