
Like, what the fuck is wrong with him? Even a narcissist has to see there’s no positive to arguing with a war widow. Sure, his racist base will lap it up, and Fox will find someway to defend him, but those aren’t decent people you want to associate with.

“I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation!”

Who Would Jesus Jail To Gestate

Ah, yes, simplier times. This was when all we had to worry about was an errant titty on national television...oh, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but that’s water under the bridge, apparently.

Please, Prince in heaven, let him stop in the middle of Bye Bye Bye or some shit and have Janet come out with Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis to kill it with Control.

Fif?! Teen?! YEARS?!?!

And I am infuriated by the statement by Kelly that she was out of bounds by listening to the conversation. She had a personal relationship with this family and was with them in their time of grief. If the wife of the fallen hero wanted to put in on speaker, that was her prerogative. Not to mention the fact that HE

And we can hold George Bush sr. responsible for Osama Bin Laden, because of his handling of Iraq in the early 90's. The CIA call this “blowback”. I.e. essentially every military action will eventually result in retaliation by someone, at some point. And Osama and 9/11 were a retaliation against George Bush Sr. and

I have to agree with you. Just because Trump makes him look sorta Presidential by comparison doesn’t excuse the Fucking War, The rise of the Islamic State, the insane growth of the domestic security prates, and, of course the housing crisis and ignoring the climate crisis.

I mean, they freaked the fuck out over dijon mustard on a hamburger and a tan suit.

This khara was responsible for the destruction of an entire nation now ruled by sectarian death squads. He tortured Muslims in black sites. There are 1 million Iraqi orphans because of him. F*ck him.

I mean he’s only human. Who doesn’t turn to mush for Michelle?

I miss every one of them, tbh. I never in my life until now worried about the country getting into a nuclear war. Or America losing all its allies and turning authoritarian. Or lots of other stuff. W wasn’t too smart but he never tried to destroy American government and divide its citizens over ramped up bullshit,

I don’t miss him.

I love this pettiness. Go high when they go low, yes I know I know but sometimes going low is much more satisfying.

I don’t know if Jez is doing the annual Halloween ghost story submission this year, but this is scary enough if not.

They could release a video of Kurt Cobain killing himself and this dipshit would find some way to twist it as a cover up or false video or some other fanatical conspiracy-theory bullshit.

Unless this Lee stalker guy has expertise in forensics or criminology, he has no need and no right to see those photos. And I’d like to think the medical examiners office in Seattle did its job properly.

What a lovely photo of the two of them.

F***!!! When did this arse-hole actually work?!