
Why should this father be the only person to get Trump’s $25k? Trump should donate that amount to every parent, spouse and children of a service member who has died while serving the country since he’s become president.

He never even told us what “covfefe” was!

Trump not paying is the least disturbing, and certainly least surprising element of this.

Trump is a broken toy. He lacks basic human empathy.

“The check has been sent.”

Ronald Berkman, president of the university, refused to condemn the posters.

So, full disclosure: I was an army wife for a period, divorced my ex who is still a soldier, and we are both happily remarried and we all get along, lalala

Exactly. The only way he could pull something like this off is if they didn’t tell him. Since he’s such a warm and devoted spouse, I’m sure he’d pick up on that right away. Hell, she may have taken off ages ago and no one’s noticed.

The most populous parts of the state are blue. It’s a swing state.

When you have your one-in-a-million dream job in a cutthroat industry I can imagine it’s very difficult to step up and go to bat against the person who can crush you like a bug in defense of a victim who’s not in your circle of family or close friends.

“Their courage only hangs a lantern on my shame”

Call your friends out. Call them out immediately. If they are being sketchy tell them. If they are being gross tell them. Don’t laugh at it. Don’t pass it off because you know they’re good people or they’re generous with you. Tell them to cut the shit. And tell them to tell you if they see you being sketchy.

Yeah, I’m pretty pissed at him. We—Californians, as a state—pay an inordinate amount in taxes to the federal government relative to many other states, so we deserve aid and a few kind words regardless of ideological differences. Do we hate him? Yes (excepting the dust bowl parts of the central valley). Are we still

Can’t wait for thanksgiving...

He can’t even answer a question about communicating with the families of soldiers killed in the line of duty without mentioning Obama and erroneously trying to make himself look better by comparison. He also managed to make calling parents of dead soldiers about him and how hard that is for him:

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You don’t talk impeachment because you don’t like the guy at the top, or because the next guy in line is better.

Put all of those groups together and that’s most people, ain’t it?

Yep. However, the one thing that must be said about Trump is that he’s such a fucking buffoon that he is actually slowing them down a little, I think. Don’t get me wrong, I think they’re pursuing the exact same agenda now as they would if Pence was in office without the dipshit, with Pence at the top, the White House

What isn’t he getting now that he would get as president? That’s what I don’t understand about all this “fear Pence” stuff. The call is coming from inside the house, people.

You can really tell in his own scripted stuff too. His excellent piece on systemic sexism was definitely written by/with all the women in his staff.