
It’s not at all like Howard Dean and John Kerry going at it after ‘04 because neither of them were the first female presidential candidate in our history and in that primary and every other primary we’ve had the nominee’s validity wasn’t questioned once it was clear they would be the nominee.

Stop torturing yourself trying to read into any of this. I’m bewildered by people who try to “analyze” this man and his actions. It’s been going on since the nascent days of the campaign. It’s trying to find meaning in offline TV broadcast static. It’s people watching an ape fling around pieces on a chessboard and

I think the Dems tipped their hand just a bit too much by saying they got what they wanted with no wall and Trump realized that made it look like he got had.

>Dems tipped their hand just a bit too much by saying they got what they wanted with no wall and Trump realized that made it look like he got had.

He has the mind of a child. He’s like the kid in 5th grade who everyone finds out likes Melissa.

I noticed that, too, and it ENRAGES me. I HATE that his followers are too stupid\blindly determined to support him to acknowledge his abject failures.

I kind of hate that the pro-DACA narrative relies on showing these kids and adults, who were brought here when very young or even infants, are more worthy of being treated well because they’re “hard workers” or enlisted in the Army or got accepted to college.

My favorite part is how he’s now saying that the walls/fences/barriers that existed in certain places already are all “The Wall” he can declare victory on that eventually without actually doing anything. Sadly most of his supporters won’t really notice that’s how he’s getting around it.

I have to admit, I’m not clear on Trump’s angle here.

Thing is, Trump both trashed DACA *AND* said he’d keep it intact at different times during his campaign.

The same way that bank who called the cops and got an innocent Iranian-American family arrested for literally nothing did: By seeing the name and the face of the person checking in.

They will until they’re injured at the workplace. Then they’d rather have them deporter, rather than pay workmen’s comp.

My husband used to say he was so irritatingly friendly “because everyone is a potential juror.”

Being from Illinois, you get used to a lot of political embarrassments. But the whole Blago thing was too much. He sounds like an annoying neighbor, and I remember him running ads agains Jack Ryan by saying he was like George Ryan because they’ve got the same name (as do millions of other Irish people but whatever)

I take comfort in the fact that you think we’ll still have the internet and electricity in five years, rather than the slim hope that we can create enough fire to heat up Ted Cruz’s expired Campbell’s soup stash during the coming apocalypse.

“What’s so frustrating to him is that people leave and he’s stuck there.”

Just a small correction: You mention that he is now five years into his sentence, having been sentenced in 2012, but 2012 was actually 97 years ago.

So, Ted Cruz’s explanation here is that someone hacked his twitter and, instead of posting a long string of tweets admitting to the zodiac killings and paeans to soup, they...liked one porn tweet?