
Not that I support doxxing of phone numbers, particularly of spouses or relatives, but the message would get through and they might allocate more resources towards phone calls then...*

In the past week or so, I’ve gotten through twice and faxed once. I was polite to the staffer (who frankly sounded miserable). I just picked DeVos as the one issue on which to focus. I tried to appeal to his self serving nature by saying, “This isn’t a partisan issue. She is flat out unqualified. The Senator doesn’t

State reps are supposed to be working FOR us- instead they’re locking their doors on these women and refusing to answer our calls. Let’s not forget this in 2018.

They should do it to save the world. If Trump goes through with this plan to pull out of Paris Accords, there is, by every statement by every expert, zero chance of it succeeding especially with his greenlighting further development of Keystone XL and DAPL. It’s not even worth trying if the United States isn’t

The media won’t. You how the exchange goes:

This, however is Normal:

My theory is that it’s all on Trump, so they can distance themselves from this later on, when shit will inevitably hit the fan. That’s why they look so happy looking at President Trump signing exec orders he does not even understand.

Or, a coalition of former Presidents ?

Five kids by three women, all of whom he’d cheated on, would have been the beginning and end of the story for Obama. The baby daddy jokes (married or not) would be endless. If he refused to release his tax returns, (white) people would speculate that it was because he was a drug dealer who only has cash income. If he

To answer your penultimate question, I’ll give you an old George Carlin quote:

lol @ the people who are all “I thought he’d be more presidential after he’d won.” or “I didn’t actually think he’d do those terrible things he said he was going to do!”

Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking. They’re not even demanding anything unreasonable, just better prisoner-guard relations.

Prison riots are rare events. They generally occur when the conditions in the prison become very bad. There are a significant number of forces that keep prisoners separate - racial hierarchies, prison hierarchies, no one wants to have their hustles exposed... Prisoners also know that they will pay a high price for the

Yeah, but there was something darker about Michelle Obama, something foreign that Melania Trump just doesn’t exude.

You might be on to something. RELEASE THE LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!


Of all the reasons to hate politics, the hypocrisy of the right on our current and last first ladies is right up there. Melania is on the cover of Vanity Fair eating diamonds and won’t move to DC yet it’s crickets on her because the left is too nice and the right doesn’t care. Michelle Obama asks kids to eat healthy

I believe it. But secretly, I’m hoping she never has to decide, because I’m hoping he’ll be out of the White House before the end of the school year.

Are you kidding? There are people who would kill to be able to say they personally put the hurt on an Obama... That’s part of how we got here.

2016 wasn’t the bad year. All the people that died was just God saving them from 2017.