
Sudden random bear attacks on schools.

I agree that Sessions is basically inevitable. But now any delay is going to be crushed by cries that essential functions are being hindered. I’m more concerned about the precedent that this will set for Bannon. “Create a crisis that makes confirmation urgent.” How will that crisis look when it comes to Devos, for

That’s why I’m so pissed at Democrats voting yes to any of the cabinet nominees. Even if they seem sane and reasonable they won’t dare oppose Herr Drumpf in any way or they know they will be fired. Just look at Nikki Haley. She’s relatively reasonable by Republican standards but she was ambassador for one day when she

Trump: *realizes Statue of Liberty is not getting with the program, dismantles same and prepares to ship back to France. (Mexico to pay shipping costs).


The whole store got the flu! Do you believe that??!!

Why does it matter if I’m in a STEM field? Is that the only way an intelligent female can contribute to the world?

remarkable that she had the strength to refuse to sign the documents. so glad that they have been reunited. these guys have just lost all kinds of sense, they aren’t even trying. she arrives in virginia at 8 am and the husband is to get there from Minnesota by 10 am? oh and if not we will deport your american kids??

Fmr Gov Howard Dean just subtweeted Tim Kaine, who had issued a weakly worded statement about Muslim ban. Gov Dean said that the Senate has to actually do something about it, not just express incredulity and mild anger.

Didn’t the cops buy Dylann Roof Burger King after he murdered a bunch of innocent people?

I wish this would destroy the Republican party, but the stubbornness of Republican voters cannot be underestimated. And the redmap project (wherein, Republicans gerrymander the districts so that even if they get a minority vote, they still fill all the seats in state and federal congress) is going to fuck us if

I keep thinking of that line from They Might Be Giants’ track “Your Racist Friend”:

Republicans are okay with this. Republicans have two groups of voters, both of whom are more than fine with this. The first are rich people who ONLY care about getting rid of taxes and regulations on their businesses. They don’t give one itty-bitty fuck about the struggles of the working poor, the disabled, children

I think it will bring a lot of people together but a lot of people really agree with this ban. Last night someone on my FB shared a post from Madeline Albright and there were tons of comments that she didn’t know what she was talking about because we need to know “who these people really are”. I mean, if a random

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I keep thinking that Republicans are okay with all of this. As long as the money keeps flowing up instead of down, who cares what happens in the overall scheme of the country.

My point is that whatever conservatives were, back when Buckley or whatever was defining the movement, this is different.

The overall Republican silence regarding all of this is deafening.

This is how a police state is established, by law enforcement agencies refusing to obey the law, and make no mistake, when an executive action is unlawful, particularly if there is a court order staying the executive order, then refusing to obey said court order is unlawful in itself.

Is this conservative? What does that word mean anymore?

This is Trump. Unlike Nero, I’m fairly certain he can’t play the fiddle.