Always happy to see scalpers lose money. Especially happy to see them losing money on this garbage.
Always happy to see scalpers lose money. Especially happy to see them losing money on this garbage.
Every time a scalper loses money on tickets, and angel gets its wings. And every time Trump is ignored by someone, the world becomes a little brighter.
Somehow, 4% of people manage to have no opinion.
And all of them were conjuctions and articles.
How long before it’s just going to be Ivanka on a kazoo?
What a shame. She’d have been the perfect speech writer for Melania.
Crowley issued the following statement:
Do Holocaust deniers sound legitimate though?
False, I see Keifer Sutherland nowhere in this group.
I could see Pence and his buddies making plans to get rid of him just before RNC. They needed him to get into office since they couldn’t do it themselves anymore. As of next week he’ll have served his only purpose.
Maybe what he really meant is that he’s a member of the “anti-pee...see?” movement.
Wow. For such a “terrible”, “not funny”, “really bad” show— he sure seems like a loyal viewer...
It’s almost as great as the King of the Birthers getting upset about “fake news.”
Pence would be better in that the odds of all of us dying in nuclear hellfire goes back down below 10%.
The plan is “resign and I’ll pardon you.” The Nixon Special.
That’s ironic, I had the same exact comment about Trump and his cabinet.
Maybe the reason he’s pissed off is he’s not being pissed on?
Many white people are incredibly sensitive when people of color bring up race and racism, because they know deep down that they are racist. They like to hide it behind sugary and simpering bits of confirmation bias.
I work in the valley and the progressiveness is all lip service. At the core, “tech” is a bunch of men, generally white, who are in it to make giant gobs of money, hell or high water. Anything beyond that is an accident because seriously if they WANTED things to change the ratio of women, people of color and other…
You might start with reading those links.