
AKA The perfect gift for that family member you hate!

I’m really getting tired of all the defensive Trump voters that are all, “hey, I’m not racist.” You know what? Even if you personally aren’t, you’re totally okay with electing a racist that talked about enacting racist policy and appointing other racists so practically, what’s the difference?

I didn’t think I could loathe Trump apologists more, but these people who answer every global concern with “Ha, ha, you lost!” are moving me toward violence. Yep, we lost. Guess what? So did you.

Oh, well thank god we have Sarah Palin -who holds no office or has any legitimate influence- here to keep an eye on Russia from her back yard.

Frankly I think Ivanka is pretty much the only reason Trump is even keeping an ‘open mind’ about this at all. In quite possibly the most paradoxical twist yet, liberals should honestly be waiving all concerns about nepotism and be doing everything in their goddamn power to be keeping Ivanka in the goddamn White House

No he’s not. Look at this cabinet picks. No he’s not. Stop listening to what he says and watch what he has done and continues to do. He will say he’s still “open” to anything as a rhetorical tactic. If he was “open” to the scientific reality of climate change, he wouldn’t be nominating oil barons to cabinet positions.

I’ll take “Equivocation to placate the ignorant masses” for $800, Alex.

Donald Trump is still ‘Open minded about...

Honestly the worst thing we could’ve done was label it way back in the day, ‘global warming.’ It gave all these word magicians the ability to convince regular people that it isn’t true, which is what they want to believe.

I will have to take a shower in bleach after I finish this comment, but in Chris Cristie’s defense (ew ew ew) he could have been offered the other positions after Jeff Sessions was chosen.

“No, she didn’t dump me. Are you kidding? I totally dumped her first!”

At this point, I’m not sure I believe this. It feels a bit like an attempt to save face.

Soon we will learn that he was not only trounced in the popular vote, but in the EC as well, and that voter suppression kept this from being a historical landslide.

All these machinations about how to kick Trump out of office now, or limit his power, when all we had to fucking do was vote for Hillary Clinton in the first place.

of course, there’s no law saying the President-elect has to

On the bright side: This means Putin isn’t getting daily briefings, either.

Boy, it’s almost like a con artist/pathological liar isn’t really that trustworthy. Sad!

What I find hilarious is all those people you mentioned latched onto Trump thinking they could use him as a puppet but it turned out that Trump played them. He’s in and now he’s going for all the cool kids, like you say.

I think Trump is going to pick Jon Huntsman, who’s actually a decent pick. Not because Huntsman is a good pick, but it’s the maximum fuck you to Mitt Romney.