If you heard his speech the other night, he gave y’all his answer. He’s not bringing charges, he’s waiting on the best time to break the news. Probably after Nov. 3 is my best bet. He is one of Trump’s African Americans.
I can’t imagine what it must’ve felt like to hear those words. I don’t think I could ever in my lifetime have any comparison.
Not the same as showing your titties in a staff meeting. And the author did say he is not anti-suit, owns suits, wears suits. This march was a waste of time. If they can kill you in a suit while driving a Mercedes, what makes you think they’ll actually listen to the message coming from a suit? All it says is “I’s a…
The young ones will resurrect Doja Cat. They don’t understand or care to try to understand the problems with a Doja Cat. That’s why we can’t get rid of any of the ASAPs or Lils or Migos “we’ve moved on.” No you’ve moved backward.
Ok so as a former journalist, I agree with you. Gayle did her job and I agree with Gayle’s reasoning on how she did her job.
Sounds nice but, while they’re trying to live like the Carters are they trying to earn like the Carters? I mean, as far as I know (and I may be wrong), they’re still just rappers. Do they have other business ventures so that the rap money can earn them more schmoney? The music business has never been the most secure,…
They’re also blaming Meghan for him doing it. Comments section of Daily Mail is like they never read the article. Just immediately went for poor guy who can blame him after raising her ALL ALONE.
I like the fact that she’s not one-dimensional or a one-trick poney. For years, she was and for years I ignored her but, then she diversified and I started paying attention.
We have some people complaining about freedom of speech, they should be able to fly the flag if they want, etc. It works both ways. I should have the freedom of speech to speak out against it or not associate with you in any way.