
Hard to imagine that the wife of a billionaire would get enticed by a ‘free trip to Chicago’, especially since ‘free’ means you have to go on TV and talk about being abused.

Yeah... I don’t want to weigh in on the situation as a whole, but that “free trip to Chicago” bit just SCREAMS bullshit.

Puzder must be keeping Fierstein on a financial tether. Of some sort for her to now go around defending him.

I don’t think I can top this tweet

This is so deliciously good.

You just KNOW it was more about “letting people at Mar-A-Lago see how cool and important he is” than it was about actual national security. “Ooh looky me I’m president doing president stuff!” (Meanwhile Bannon pulls out a literal camera to hold over classified docs while Toddler In Charge smug mugs for the camera).

Under FERPA, I do more to hide my students’ grades and id numbers than this jackass does to hide classified information that might keep us all from dying. JFC.

Despite this being 2017, it took me a minute to realize you meant the Secret Service and weren’t referring to the Nazi military group.

Next jackass who tells me Hillary was a traitor because she might not have been perfect about her emails gets ripped a new one.

That’s so unbelievably awkward I’m having secondhand embarrassment.

He basically tries to flee about three times at the end of that clip. He tries to get up out of the chair, and each time Trump says something inane to make him sit back down.

I feel sorry for the Prime Minister. On all accounts I’ve heard, he’s a pretty cool guy. What the hell did he do to deserve a weekend with 45 at Mar-a-Lago? My money is on ancient curse passed down his family line.

I am clumsy, socially awkward and I don’t like touching people but even I have mastered a decent handshake.

Abe has the expression of a man saying, “This man is a bloated lunatic! Get me the hell out of here!”

Jesus Christ. One tiny upshot to this whole national embarrassment is that I now know, without a doubt, that I am not nearly as socially awkward and embarrassing as I thought I was.

Now playing

Bullshit, it was the same childish power play with Gorsuch. Did you see that shit?

Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?

Libya under Gadaffi had universal healthcare, free public higher education, and opportunities for women that were unmatched in much of the rest of the Arab world.

If this is the level of behavior, we’re holding elected (?) officials to, now, civilization is lost. “Hey, Bannon didn’t behead any journalists today!” “Wow, cool, he’s a really great guy!” ....

I realize they are dead serious with this shit, but it just made me guffaw.