
She and Fredrick Douglass are hanging out.

Trump calls his own shots, largely based on an accumulation of brain plaques that block cell-to-cell signaling at synapses, and everyone knows it.

The Disney alligator attack smugness was so bizarre. Like yeah, they posted a sign that said don’t swim but there’s a difference between “Don’t swim, you could drown!” and “You will get eaten alive by a fucking alligator.”

Trampoline injuries and ATV injuries generally two different kettles of fish.

They are trying to set up a self-fulling fantasy through all their action, that when something does happen (only as a result of their actions) they can point and say “see we were telling the truth, this is what we were trying to protect against” and half the population will eat it up and demand more of their actions.

The only question is when Jabba The Nazi has it scheduled to happen! I’m reckoning Feb 27…

Every Hitler needs a Reichstag Fire.

That’s called outrage fatigue and trump is counting on it. Take a breather and then put your yelling pants back on.

A terrorist attack WILL happen on don’s watch and I’m more frightened about this administration’s response than the actual terrorist attack.

The failing @nytimes writes total fiction concerning me. They have gotten it wrong for two years, and now are making up stories & sources!

When I heard myself nodding to Mitch McConnell’s response — just an excerpt that was broadcast on NPR — and thinking “yes; that makes sense,” I realised how far we have fallen. Mitch McConnell as a voice of reason in the face of lunacy.


This just occurred to me: I’m going to buy whiteboard paint, paint it onto foam board, and use dry-erase markers for signs. Then I can reuse the signs.

It’s almost like the ‘conservative Christians’ in this country care far more about paying lip service to the values they espouse then actually having a President who lives up to them. Kind of like how they also go on and on about the ‘sanctity of life’ right up until that fetus pops out...

Yep! adding an update/God help us

Let’s be real: does Donald Trump know Frederick Douglas isn’t the peanut butter guy?

Well, the problem isn’t fat PEOPLE, it’s fat WOMEN. Men can be fat because they’re allowed to have brains and make money. Women are for looking good, so it we’re fat we are completely irrelevant.

I’ve seen a few things about how the marchers are fat and it’s like ... so? I mean, clearly, to these people fat women aren’t human and thus don’t count. It still takes a certain level of stupidity to not be able to come up with a better insult than that. Like, it’s not saying our policies are wrong, that we’re

These fucking guys can’t even insult us properly.