He has all of my emphasy.
He has all of my emphasy.
Here’s a more interesting plot for a horror movie; a nation beset with a generation of judges who give rapists a slap on the wrist because ‘boys will be boys’. Yeah. Complete disregard for the law as written. We could even have the cops treat rape victims like perpetrators and ask them what they could have done to…
Welcome to America, where showing a woman getting punched in the face will earn you a PG rating but having showing her having consensual sex will earn you a hard R.
The saddest thing is that this is the number one movie in America.
That poor kid. She’s probably got whiplash now. She should sue.
The Great Dismal Swamp isn’t that bad. I went on a field trip there with my third grade class way back when. Yes, there is wild life. But you are more likely to run into deer there than bears. It’s actually very pretty. If you are a nature lover, I would recommend a visit.
White people terrorized black people to the extent that bears, snakes, swamps were nothing compared to the terror of white hate
This is why I’m against conscription for women. How about the military fix it’s little problem with raping women in the military before we broach this subject?
“She doesn’t know why I’m bringing up sexual assault and rape; this is why. We go into real wars with real anti-American, anti-women, enemies, thank you, who use rape and torture and who will use rape and torture of women to try to win the war.”
Try explaining an 8 year gap on your resume caused by raising the child you birthed out the vagine. I’m convinced that I’d have an easier time finding work as a paroled felon. Advanced degrees and an awesome resume? Too bad you shat out a bebe, honey. You’ll never work in this town again!
And this right here is what pisses me the fuck off about our parenting culture in America. Parents (well, mostly mothers) are expected to be able to fill every single need for their children single-handedly. A parent is expected to be a caretaker, teacher, cook, laundress, cleaner, food source, and crafter-in-chief.…
Bobby is just asking you to consider the fact that maybe, just maybe women are not abused/raped/assaulted but are instead filthy lying whores. Who lie.
dear lord those chompers euuugh
I just looked and I can confidently say that this man is not okay. He’s not eccentric. He’s not artistic. He’s not just a little messed up.
I know exactly what she’s going through, and anyone who’s ever been involved with an active alcoholic/addict knows, too. It’s like being in a carnival funhouse where everything is distorted, unstable, unpredictable– and dangerous. Yet when you try to explain what’s going on to people outside the relationship, you…
Of course he did.
Jared Leto’s entire schtick is based on pretending that he is not, in fact, a man in his forties.