Yusuf Omar, mobile editor of the Hindustan Times, gave survivors of sexual assault in Mysore, India, the option of…
Yusuf Omar, mobile editor of the Hindustan Times, gave survivors of sexual assault in Mysore, India, the option of…
But why would you think that she personally witnessed other shootings though? Witnessing shootings is not an everyday experience for black people, no matter what the rap songs say. They weren’t living the ‘thug life’, they were honest hard working people.
How the hell do you see a ‘wide nose’ in a moving vehicle?
This woman has a vagina of steel, managing to keep her cool and record the cop who shot her boyfriend dead for no reason while at the same time trying to keep her daughter calm, at the same time staying calm enough to call the officer sir. She is brave as fuck and fwiw has my personal respect and admiration.
Sadly, I’ve been seeing that interpreted on social media as “he was wanted by the police for robbery” and therefore was justified in shooting him. So much there will make your head explode (holy misinterpretation, Batman; even if it were accurate, is execution the penalty for robbery? I feel like that might be a…
Isn’t that kind of calm a fairly standard reaction to trauma?
Not only that, but given the number of times he had been pulled over in the past (I’ve heard numbers between 30 and 50), of course he knew exactly how to conduct himself. It was old hat.
I cannot believe anyone could watch the video of this woman knowing that her boyfriend was dying beside her, that she could be next or that worse, her daughter could be hurt or killed and not feel for her. Worse, I cannot believe that anyone could watch that video and then have follow up questions that include shit…
i managed to hold off my tears until she start about her daughter’s reaction to philando’s death. bless this woman and bless her child, still graceful under such tragedy. reynolds’ strength for her daughter is incredible.
Also, the broken taillight reason was BS. Police scanner recordings revealed that the officer pulled them over because they might be suspects in a robbery because he saw a “wide nose.” They were straight up racially profiled (sadly unsurprising).
Same. I refused to watch the other videos from last week and over the weekend, but saw this in passing and couldn’t stop watching how she held her shit together with a gun pointed in her face and her boyfriend dying at her side.
She’s just been so preternaturally calm in the midst of chaos. I don’t know how.
I've officially checked out of watching videos of police lynchings.
This woman is a god damn treasure. Since cops don’t seem to want to introduce anything that could cause them to be liable for a fuck up citizen video is the closest we have currently.
it is amazing. she is the definition of grace.
I don’t have a fraction of this woman’s spirit. I watched that video and I’m still in awe of her.
Diamond Reynolds—the woman who boldly filmed the moments after a cop in Minnesota gunned down her boyfriend Philando…
I don’t understand this picture at all. Also, it scares me very, very much.