
If ‘taxpayer funded contraception’ was a thing that existed (because the contraceptive mandate means insurers have to provide you with contraception that you—not “taxpayers”—pay for with your premiums), wouldn’t you especially want to give it to people who have had an abortion, so they wouldn’t get pregnant again and

True, then it depends what neighborhood you live in.

To Protect and Serve [those who were born into the Right Families].

Jesus Christ, that baby’s screams. And the motherfucker who cuffed her, WTF.

‘Quit crying’

Or not show up. Half the hoopla (and therefore television views and ad dollars, not to mention magazine shoots and designer endorsements) is what women will wear to this show. Imagine if there just weren’t any. That would actually hit people’s bottom dollar and make them pay attention. (of course, these women work

They’re conditioned to think that way from infancy, basically. It leads to the occasional awkward interaction in my classroom, when some guy tries really hard to establish himself as the authority rather than me. True story: I once had a student complain about the way I graded his exam, and he started with “I’ve taken

I was a political science major, and I have been doing a lot of thinking about what a Jones upset would mean. It’s pretty significant, and requires a fair amount of nuanced thinking. So I apologize in advance if this gets kind of dense and long, but here’s the analysis of someone who studies and thinks about this

Naw, I think Democrats will likely rejoice that Moore has been elected because they’ll think it will actually affect the republican base.

That’s not alarming, it’s fucking fantastic. The goal of a terrorist is to incite terror. If the general reaction is “fuck, I’m going to be late to work,” the terrorist has failed. We want terrorists to fail.

I don’t understand why women have to have reasons, or worse, GIVE reasons for why they wear things.


Carrying on with the reputation of being the company that keeps an alleged rapist around and doesn’t believe rape victims lost its appeal, I see.

Some people vehemently disliked her, but I enjoyed Ann Curry. Her voice tended toward a low register, and that was soothing (especially compared to Matt’s sometimes-nasally chatter, and another chirpy host whose name I cannot be bothered to recall).

I remember the rundown on tiaras when they were guessing what Kate would wear. It was incredible.

I love that website. They have done some great research on the tiaras and jewels from various royal families.

Someone else who haunts the Royal Order of Sartorial Splendor! Wheee!

That is among the favorite tiaras. I’m thinking that if Meghan is loaned an existing tiara from the Queen’s vault it will be something that hasn’t been seen in decades like the Strathmore Rose Tiara or the Teck Crescent Tiara. I think the Teck tiara is technically on loan to Camilla but she has never worn it. Although

Never forget:

We have plenty to criticize that doesn’t go after her looks. Be better.