Because the people that support him do not believe:
Because the people that support him do not believe:
Sarah Silverman had the perfect response, imo: “I can be angry this happened, but also sad that someone who I care about did this.”
Here comes the liberal circular firing squad.
Not to even marginally defend her but to be fair she hasn’t done anything outrageous or actively lessened the office she holds like literally every other fucker out of that family (to the best of my knowledge anyhow).
Good for her. Now if we can only convince women not to work with Woody Allen and Roman Polanski, maybe those two creeps can fade from public consciousness.
It’s exactly what Wonder Woman would do.
This is seriously badass.
Fuck yes. This is courageous.
The “Lentil Wedding” of parenting crowd.
My son is in 4th grade and I skim the books & graphic novels he’s reading so I can have conversations with him about the themes he’s reading. I don’t aim to control his media diet. I do it so he understands that what’s important to him matters to me too, and I also do it to extend what he’s reading when we can. He’s…
It seems everyone is dogging parents in this thread - and yes parents should be watching what their kids are doing...
Fuck you Piven. I bet he’s been shitting himself for weeks. They all are.
You left out the question that the reporter asked Trump at the press conference in South Korea; which was a brilliant question and should turn into a talking point for anyone who wants gun regulation:
I will never understand the short term thinking of anyone who supports these ridiculous tax proposals that funnel even more money to the rich.
Something seems shady about her story and her motivations. If not shady, at the very least selfish. It appears self serving. Also, thanks for the help in helping the Dems going into the mid term elections, Donna. It seems your need to tell your “story” precedes our nation’s need of getting the GOP out of power and…
If the day ever comes where Dump is aware of or cares about insulting anyone the universe will screech to a halt.
(it’s a cute joke, but) I am the son of the parents who raised me, despite not being biologically related to my father. He knew from the beginning and made the decision to treat me no different from his biological children, such that when the truth came out in my mid-twenties it was a total surprise. I have no…
I am finally hopeful. I feel this could actually happen (and whoever did it, is amazing.)