
I’m extremely pro choice and have had an abortion, but I think a person causing the death of a wanted fetus is horrific. Even if it doesn’t fit the legal definition, this asshole killed two people.

Then criticize her complicity! Don’t mock her alleged abuse at the hands of her dad. It doesn’t make you part of the Resistance it makes you another abusive asshole.

Or she’s cold, has sensitive nipples or any number of things. There is no such thing as a consentual sexual relationship between parent and child. This is gross. You can insult her for any number of things but you went straight for sex because the worst you can come up with for a woman always involves something sexual.

I don’t blame other countries for laughing at us. I would be laughing too if I didn’t live here.

Hi. Putin assassinates them secretly. No, thank you. Please take a second look as to how many journalists have been jailed and/or murdered in Russia. It is hair-raising.

This raging hypocrite won’t even meet with March of Dimes, because they oppose this shitshow of a healthcare repeal.

I do not fear Hell, for I have shopped at the Atlantic Center Target in Brooklyn on a Sunday morning when all other customers were Hassidim.

Good! That guy is an idiot. I say this as a Jewish American, the leeway that orthodox sects and Hasidim are given in secular situations is beyond ridiculous.

Connie Nielsen and Robin Wright may be beautiful, but they are also not young and to see woman of middle age presented as action heroes is rare and commendable. Amazon’s are supposed to be strong and fit, and the film displayed that athleticism in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Barron is the only decent Trump because he’s still a kid. This may change when the douchiness in his dad’s DNA is carefully nurtured by his rotten mother to ensure he’s just as awful as his half-siblings by the time he’s 16.

Now playing

This is truly a tragic day. I knew it would come but I wanted it to be just a little while longer. This band alone defined the way I approached music. The Allman Brothers crossed so many different genres across their multi decade career. They turned me onto funk, southern rock, blues, jazz, gospel and country. Without


She’s a scientologist! I still can’t get over that lol

Based on where the bomb went off and what time it happened, I think we’ll also see a lot of parents among the injured and dead who were coming to pick up their children after the concert. Remember going to the first concert your parents let you go to with your friends, as long as they dropped you off and picked you

Oh god, another tricky one.

Ha, no.

A dress meant for Grandma of the bride + peplum.

And we’ve already found a way to blame some women for an adult man’s actions. Fantastic.