
I also can’t imagine they would put Helga from Hey Arnold! in it without actually adding Arnold! Also Squidward.

If he doesn’t have a Yajirobe tattoo he should probably get one.

My dreams are also hard to explain and look brilliant.

I once whistled for my horse in BotW but it was on the other side of a mountain. So he just goes to the edge of a cliff starring at me. Meanwhile I’m way down on the ground hoping he makes it lol.

Nessus is going to be an icy Planet so that should be cool. But I do feel let down by the fact that it’s not really new planets. It’s more Earth which I’m cool with, 2 moons of Saturn and Nessus is what’s called a minor planet. Though I’m sure they will all be unique.

Titan and Io are both moons of Saturn so you actually get 2 new moons if that matters to you.

It makes me wonder if Dark Link would help in this at all. He has double speed at night time if you have the whole set and he rips.

I think of this seen every time Hector kills one of my guys. This is a prefect reference!

I think you meant to say trenchcoat wearing goomba.

I really wish I had a screen of it, but I saw Ignis surfing on Gladio’s head in the first cafe one time. Hilarious! He must have been practicing for the chocobo surfing.

As someone who has the thriller dance I can really appreciate this. I’ve played tons and tons of Destiny and I can’t believe they had 6 people who we’re willing to do this. This has gotta be a clan or raid group. Regardless well done.

Red Betterhead

I’m one of those Hanzo’s that just spams sake at the start of a match lol. If you have the sake spray helps bring it together. Always gets me.

Lol I was listening to techno and it was perfect.

I completely agree with you I also grew up playing DK for SNES and Stickerbush Symphony and Forest interlude are the two tracks I always put on oddly enough. And yes to all the Megaman X music too! Outside of SNES Megman X 4 Storm Owl’s track also deserves mention.

Smaller form of Stantler maybe?

I gotta say to me it looks like a smaller form of Stantler perhaps