
Birdman < Hooperman.

That's horseshit about it being called Friday's Curse in the UK. It was listed as (and called) Friday The 13th:The Series here in the UK.

Took me a few seconds to remember where this came from. Those last two lines just kill me. Upvoted sir!

Sideshow God.

OMG! as the kids say. I would send you kickstarter money to make that happen!

That description, now that I think about it, is exactly right. Speaking as a Brit, I was quite shocked at how Carell's take was so much different to what I was expecting. As you point out, what I was actually expecting was Andy Bernard.

I was going to moan about The Day After's omission, but I love reading these things and I know you cram in everything you can, so i thought i'd just invent my own interview bit instead.. If you really want to make up for it, get David Rasche to do a Random Roles, love that guy!

This episode wasn't shown here in Britain for a number of years by first-run broadcaster Sky. And we don't even really have guns here, unlike you American maniacs.

Being British I really don't have a dog in this fight, but Ted Cruz is what we over here would call 'a total fucking bell-end'.

Will: "So how was it dying of radiation sickness in The Day After?"

Oh yes you do. I posted a c-bomb here a few weeks back and my comment never made it to the screen.

It was in no way too large a theatre for the production, i'd say it was just about right. I saw it twice (more through accident than design). The first time was the very first preview night, and I thought it was okay, great performance from Matt Smith, but it lacked the danger and ugliness of the book (although i was

Paint It Black at the end made me wonder if Taylor and Zeke Anderson ever made it out of Vietnam alive.

Never having seen Siddig before, when I was watching him on 24 I was actually wondering if it was John Connor from T3 with a LOT of make-up on!

The first season of The Guardian was terrific stuff. Went a bit wrong after that, but it was still a watchable show. I always enjoy seeing Sbarge pop up in stuff, nice to see him being so forthcoming in this interview.

I'll take it in lotto tickets!

Why doesn't Fuller just go to Lifetime and say 'Hey, how about letting me produce that Starling show you have no idea how to make? And let's hire that Mads guy to play Hannibal.'

Wait - her name's not actually Maria?

Shmit happens.

Big thanks to all at Comedy Central UK who decided to stop screening The Daily Show just a couple of months before Stewart leaves. Yeah I can still find ways to watch it, but many others can't. You really are a bunch of jokers…