
I wonder if this is done to guarantee shelf space next to competing products? The lady pain products are usually near the pads and tampons. Regardless, the different pricing is really awful and should stop.

Awww! I went to UMass and lived in Noho for 6 years after graduation! I miss it so much. I live in Pittsburgh now, and if there were jobs in my field in the valley, I’d be back in a flash. I visit friends there twice a year though.

I don’t even want to know how many votes Johnson got

Exactly. She was 10 times better than a white male candidate (who can’t even identify five African countries on a map, I’m sure) and she still fucking lost?

I cannot get over the NUMBER of people who voted for him. :(

In 2016, I got my 1st book deal (for a picture book that will be out in 2019) but then I got diagnosed (out of the box!) with stage 4 breast cancer a couple of months later (I’m 41) and now Trump is president elect and David Bowie died and then there’s every other miserable thing that 2016 did to all of us. I just

No. 2000 just felt like an unbelievable haze and a frustrating ‘how is this happening?’ And over the recount month, we all learned the rules about how the presidential election really worked and just shook our heads and felt annoyed.