
I saw a tweet that showed the difference between how Annie shot Denzel and Viola in VF for Fences, and how Dario shot Viola above. It’s fucking night and day. Leibovitz makes Denzel and Viola look ashy, with gray tones. The Dario cover is rich, with a lot of subtle luminescence.

To some extent, amateurs are highly able to detect problems in art, just awful at identifying and diagnosing it.

My....god... this is an amazing cover! And you’re right-this is a dark-skinned woman, wearing a darker colored dress, shot against a dark background and she looks RADIANT. It can be done people! (From a purely aesthetic standpoint, and I look forward to reading the linked article)

Annie Leibovitz is a very talented photographer. As stated in the article, her dark, arty style has always worked well for people with lighter skin. If she is unable to adapt her techniques to different subjects/ situations, then a different photographer should do the shoot. Obviously, we need more Black

I just scanned it for now, but will fully read it and watch the video later. They must do the same thing on I May Destroy You because everyone looks as fantastic as they do on Insecure.

Yup. And here’s an article discussing the cinematography of Insecure:

I am not high and can cosign. She look old as hell.

She like “Move, bitch; my baby on camera.  You not about to take up space in this shot.” lol

I thought she was supposed to be his mom at first and was really confused. 

LMFAO!! Not even a sweatshirt, a football jersey, which is the biggest fan faux pas imo.

LMAO, lightly pulled? Ol’girl was holding on to her meal ticket for dear life and was all up in the video like Diddy. Good for mom to recognize what was going on.

She ain’t gonna be around for long...

He KNOWS she didn’t love his Black ass but saw earning potential! He went along with what was thrown at him. But she was holding on for dear life about needing to work in the off-season! She didn’t do no weave, makeup wuddn’t popping and her chunky ass wore a sweatshirt?! It’s like she’s never seen IG or

As much as I hate to quote Kanye, at least this was BK (before Kardashian)...

This was the funniest article I’ve read in a while! Thanks for kicking off my weekend in an awesome way. Cheers!

I don’t follow sports ball, but I may never miss another draft day. This shit was GOLD. This mom will be in my thoughts come Mother’s Day.

I’m confused. Who is that white woman in the first place?  He didn't seem too comfortable with the hug after she left either, lol.

Wait, did I miss something? Who the fuck is the older white lady sitting on his lap to begin with???

That was the clearest definition of “yoink” if I’ve ever seen one.