
Holy shit Margo Martindale is the perfect Ma Beagle.

I wish the writers had made Marsdin the daughter of refugees, rather than a refugee herself, such that she would be a natural citizen and a legally defensible POTUS.

I didn't get why Valerie dumped Archie at all. That came out of nowhere. Is it just because he wanted to give one more shot to saving his dad's business and getting into music school, after she said she wouldn't?
1. Archie and Val cuddling on a date at Pop's.
2. Archie: "I already checked with Val and she's cool with

She means, "Lie down and play dead…."

Also, I'm pretty sure the T-Rex wasn't CG.

For me, it's less about the individual characters and more about keeping some semblance of the song-of-the-week, variety show aspect/character of the Archie Show.

First episode with no Josie & the Pussycats :((((((

Because you don't have a beard.

You couldn't even come up with a username without borrowing someone else's character.

I'm pretty stoked that Reggie's huge, hyper-masculine jock role went to an Asian dude.

When I read that Alice Cooper was in this show, I almost ran back to my TV set before I remembered that Betty's last name is Cooper.

So did Felicity and Cisco presumably murder a bunch of US agents in 1951 to free their captive friends?

Isn't 221B on the *second* floor? How the hell did that get flooded?

More of a Fat Charlie Conway.

Odd choice of capitalization…

"Well, first you go this way. And they you realize you can’t go that way anymore, so you try another way. And then that way fizzles out on you, so you think real hard and you come up with way three."

I liked that it was a reproduction of the comic. A bit long, but I thought the comic was boring in the same places…and I thought the ending of the movie made a lot more sense (framing Dr. Manhattan rather than some weird, manufactured space alien).

Wait—was Watchmen bad?

The Breakfast Club XXX was pretty good…I think they actually got Emilio Estevez in it.

I thought Rory was going to lead the time pirates back to a point in time where he knew Boba Fett would fuck them up…boy, did I misread that.