Meet the Matz

Shawshank was an unnoticed underdog for this title back in its day, but it has somehow beaten the odds and managed to become the most overrated film in history.

Because context matters? Because earlier in the scene, Zuckerberg basically calls her stupid and demeans her opinions as being unimportant? Because when you’re breaking up with someone for being an asshole to you, you’re allowed to call them an asshole?

What he’s saying is that it’s one of the greatest acting challenges of the 21st century because we have assumptions for film that we won’t for purely audio medium. When we listen to radio dramas we expect to only have voices to go off of. We turn off, to a certain extent, our visual receptors and let the voice do

All of that info is literally in the article, if you had bothered to read it.

I’m a community organizer and like half my friends and coworkers are in DSA. No one calls each other “comrade” in the organization. Just saying what they want is “Scandinavia” may be an overstatement, but only barely. If Lenin were alive to see what the DSA wanted he’d denounce it as Economism.

Oh look, a Kinja site whose commenting HASN’T been disabled. I can only guess it has to do with the Deadspin commentariat posting Jim Spanfeller’s phone number in the comments--because the goons at G/O Media don’t want to be faced with anger over their horrible decision making.

Hey, let’s talk about how G/O media are such gutless scum that they took down all of the posts across the kinjaverse about how awful the autoplaying videos are and how to contact the ownership about it.

Really depends. I sold all my Magic cards in 1997 for $300 and that collection (with a bunch of Dual Lands) would probably fetch around $4000 now. I also had a bunch of early 90s comic books that I threw out at some point—I thought they would end up useless, but I recently found out that one comic book I had, Amazing

I think that was a paraphrasing of what they were saying, not an editorializing. They were saying they had no TV writing experience.

City of Thieves is a pretty good book. Not incredible or life changing or anything, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. Also, I never read The 25th Hour, but I liked Spike Lee’s adaptation of it quite a bit.

I it took me a year to get over a concussion that I got in 2016, and I’ve still recovering from one I got back in June when I hit my head in a manner that wouldn’t have even been concussion if not for the first one. One thing that has never fully recovered is my ptsd whenever I hear or see anything involving getting

I dunno. Red and black seems more appropriate to me. 

I understand both Verlander’s unhappiness for being quoted about anything when he thought the exchange was not for public consumption. I also understand the caginess afterward regarding the cell phone—he was, after all, the victim of a cell phone hack that showed him and his now wife nude (it might have been Upton’s

This is me, except I then kept watching it for years and years after realizing this. It was obviously terrible, but more importantly—it was on TV at 5:00 and 5:30 every school day. It was pretty much the same reason I watched a ridiculous amount of Charles in Charge and Full House, except somehow Saved by the Bell was

Jesus. Is the video quality always that bad on Brewers broadcasts? It looks like fucking Super 16 with all the hairs and scratches and things in those clips. How the hell do people watch that regularly without going insane?

Nice to see that Margo Martindale has recovered from her amnesia and gotten the charges dropped and is once again able to excel in small rolls on the big screen.

I would agree, but the idea that any Met fan undervalues the single greatest mascot in sports (give or take Gritty) is just preposterous to me.

It’s a matter of semantics. When I think of franchise cornerstone I think guys who build your team around—the six WAR guys who regularly deserve all-star appearances and are the main reason your team has a chance to be great. The four WAR guys are the excellent pieces that round out the team—the guys who aren’t the

a franchise cornerstone that something like a third of the team’s fanbase somehow still thinks is a scrub