
Saying that health care is a right, but sharing the burden of that right is a privilege, is a contradiction

I get a lot of joy out of reading the comments section to this garbage, sexist post by Libby and seeing that the overwhelmingly majority of commenters are calling out Libby’s sexist bullshit, and there you are, on the other side, trying to defend it, all by your lonesome. You misandrist, sexist piece of shit.

Just because someone is female doesn’t mean they’re oppressed; just because someone’s male doesn’t mean they’re the oppressor. Memes that identify people by their group and call them all “trash” aren’t harmless, even when they’re directed at dominant groups; “white people are trash” isn’t harmless just because the

Counter-point: calling my gf a bitch ass ho is hilarious and fills me with harmless laughter. Do you see what I did there? Just because you think it’s harmless doesn’t make it right. If you want this shit to end everyone needs to be on the same page.

Stop burying the argument in bullshit.

As a parent of two boys, this is hurtful. I am trying to raise them to be confident respectful people, but this person is saying men are trash, so I guess they have no hope huh? Yah, that’s good for them to learn, that they are hated because of their gender; that they are destined to grow up to be trash. And you are

“Men are trash” is simply not the same thing as sexist attacks on women, because you don’t face the systemic oppression that makes sexist slurs so toxic

So a game bout killing and getting money now has to have every sort of article of clothing one can imagine? I’m sorry that there is not tons of female options but if you really think that they should include every piece of clothing one can think of, then you are just high. These games are expensive and take loads of

Guys. I know you all think you’re more super caring and progressive than me. I get it.

Jesus Christ, you people...

I call into question the validity of every study, because I can think for myself. You and everyone else should have doubt on just about anything you read. I’d call into question a study that said there wasn’t a wage gap. I simply posted a response to the original post’s question about how a gap existed in education,

I want you to go back, very carefully, and see if I ever said or even insinuated there was no wage gap. Read it as many times as you want, it’s not there. I’ve looked at the article, their “controls” aren’t very good or extensive. I think there is a gap, but it’s not as large as what people say.

People like you are just ridiculous. You’ve got no argument, you just lash out at people. If you’d take a millisecond to think about things critically instead of just reading to justify your opinions, you’d know I’m absolutely and 100% correct in that statement, and it in no way makes me an “apologist.” I’m stating a

as a guy, using the term “nice guy” to describe yourself wont do you any favors. the term has been ruined by entitled assholes who couldnt get a woman and couldnt comprehend their conceited and self-important nature was the reason they couldnt the whole time. nice guys dont have to call themselves nice guys. other

So you agree with an american company giving 11 million dollars towards a terrorist group on american soil that advocates the killing of cops, blames whites for there own problems, and hellbent on promoting and pushing a race war agenda?

Agreed. It makes it look like aftermarket addons. Blech.

sendmail 2016-09-20 10:55:20
array (
‘name’ => ‘Matt Nava’,
‘email’ => ‘’,
‘phone’ => ‘’,
‘message’ => ‘Hello, I am the developer of ABZU game, thanks to your Anti-tamper system that prevented our game from getting cracked as of now. We have started working on another great game, and we plan


Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and

Nah, I didn’t scour anything, we have this amazing invention here in America called Google. You type in words and it returns links instantaneously. It’s easier than sending an inquiry via moose or hockey puck or river of maple syrup, but that’s American ingenuity for you!