
While there are certainly profit driven reasons why a game with loot boxes would not want to be classified as “gambling” the reality is that while they share certain characteristics with gambling and may tap into the same psychologies as gambling does, loot boxes do not meet the strict legal definition of gambling.

Haha, yup. You keep up that tough guy façade. It does a lot of good. You remind us reformed liberals of where not to fall again. You are affirming that those of us who the left and the right have pushed toward the middle made the right decision. By pushing the idiotic “all Trump voters are bigots” mentality, and

Where do I not acknowledge they exist? Are you completely unable to make an argument without attacking someone as a racist? Ok CNNatron.

The post I was replying to acts like VR headset makers didn’t care about minorities because the headsets were too expensive. When in reality it was just that, reality. The equipment

I’d go further and call this cynical. I think the author understands that there is a very good chance, and its very reasonable to expect, that this was just poor phrasing. There’s this wing of “liberal” (read: not liberal in the slightest) thought that seeks to cut everyone and any one down and decry them as the enemy

there are more white people and white poor people exist, but a larger percentage of black people are poor. go back and relearn basic ass mathematics and percentage

Oh, this happens to me all the time, too. A few years ago I spoke to my father about something he made me do (not sexual or harmful, just a scary physical swimming challenge) when I was very young, and he vehemently denied that anything like that and would never do that to a young girl. Yeah—he may not remember it

No no no. You start callin everyone a white supremacist, all you gonna have is white supremacists dude. Chill out for a sec, and just relax. I do agree though, the left has been taking advantage of minorities forever, but they keep voting Democrat...

If you think racism is dead, police across the country do a fantastic job and definitely don’t target people, or that voter suppression is an issue we still face today, then you’re a white supremacist

Close! Providence.

That’s because they don’t have a counter argument that wouldn’t make them look like they’re advocating for inequality against men.

“I think the article is saying “Look, I fucked up. I know that.””

Again I feel like a lot of this interpretation is simply looking for a message you wish to be found.

There is plenty of evidence linking Trump and his people to Russia, the country that recently attempted to undermine the US Presidential election and very well may have changed the outcome with its meddling.

There are people who choose to get offended where no offense was intended and there are those that have matured to look the other way when clowns want attention or mentally unstable people do odd things. As a gay black man, I could really give a shit about “appropriation” or every other term your beloved blogs have

I don’t think she’s a victim. I just think you are looking for things to be angry about. You have to actually try, to let that bother you.

The correct answer to your question is: Yes.

They didn’t point out anything. They saddled someone with their family’s past, mistook them for royalty because they’re a reactionary jackass, and then made up something about an actress trying to fool Asian people because reasons.

So fuck off maybe. You’re as utterly bizarre as they are.

Saying that health care is a right, but sharing the burden of that right is a privilege, is a contradiction

So a game bout killing and getting money now has to have every sort of article of clothing one can imagine? I’m sorry that there is not tons of female options but if you really think that they should include every piece of clothing one can think of, then you are just high. These games are expensive and take loads of

Guys. I know you all think you’re more super caring and progressive than me. I get it.