
“Golden Showers” in the title. Filed to “Pissgate.” Immediate reference to the Russian prostitute dossier, and then the switch to actual showers.

It is, it reads SEND MORE BEETS.

The first generation stars always get destroyed by the next generation - it’s very hard to evolve a skill set after a certain point (to a elite level) plus age / wear and tear, etc. (The age difference in this case is negligible.) The next generation has been practicing the new art since they were malleable teenagers

Greg Howard is a fine fine writer with some awful MMA takes. His Jon Jones piece rivals Drew’s election day take for comically bad timing.

Rousey is the fighter that put the butts in the seats. Makes perfect sense.

Those people didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about and were eager to jump on the next big thing.

She was never that good of an MMA fighter. She had 1 big skill and no real coaching. As the level of athletes increased and people’s skill levels went up, she just stayed the same.

haha yup.

Clinton lost because her campaign sucked

The DNC is fucked because they:

Can we kill the Bernie Bro narrative you morons cling to? There is literally no evidence former Sanders supporters protest voted in a manner that changed the election, or in any sizeable number whatsoever. Clinton lost because her campaign sucked, and people in the rust belt are gullible, desperate people willing to

At least for the last guy, sure.

Gawkmodo, where speech is free as long as it fits the approved narrative.

Stein and Johnson did impact things, but let’s not forget how woefully inept and arrogant a campaign Clinton ran.

Thank you! The alphabet soup that now applies to anyone outside of the “normal” expectation for sexuality is getting out of control. We’re now seeing LGBTIQ become the norm and it’s a little absurd. I know we’re all trying to be sensitive and respectful with all these letters, but personally I think it has the

Such insightful and intelligent ‘journalism’, Ashley. Post a bunch of candid pictures (maybe he’s just exhausted from the campaign, election night, etc... you think??), ignore context and then create your own self-serving narrative that he’s miserable or whatever. Let me try.. look at this depressed and miserable

I voted for Hillary but people like Ashley here make me rethink my decision honestly. Cant accept a loss and watching her be so upset about this is giving me a lot of satisfaction. The sad part? We are probably on the same side politically but the way she acts like many many others with a “microphone” didn’t help us

It is so fun watching all you liberal snowflakes throw tantrums. What ever happens this makes it all worth it. Even 3 year olds stop screaming and stomping after they know it isn’t helping, you snowflakes just keep showing why everyone wanted Trump as president. Please keep the tantrums up I still have a bunch of

When Glenn Beck finds the Republican candidate an amoral choice, even if it means “Hillary is elected”, and Bill O’Reilly says it’s pretty much impossible to defend Trump, you can be completely confident of the state of Affairs with the Republicans and Trump