
I think maybe Beth meant to post this to Jezebel, and not io9.

I’ll be that guy (this time). Why should any artist, at all, give a rat’s ass what the chattering classes want him to create? Burton primarily recreates a gloomy vision of his childhood in lily white suburbia in his movies - it’s the story he knows how to tell.

Yeah, not bad at all. That isn’t evidence of racism.

Don’t laugh but I couldn’t figure out how to repair my ship. I’m still stuck in the first planet, and frankly, I’m already sick of this game.

It got me out of the house and walking every day for over a week but then little things started becoming major nuisances. I hit my item cap and ran out of pokeballs because every one I threw got replaced with a healing item. When I tossed those out and tried building back up my stock of pokeballs they got rid of

Pokemon go is a cool idea executed extremely poorly. I have a ton of pokestops along the route I walk/run with my dog twice daily and I deleted the app from my phone because it’s more than anything, it’s just extremely inconvenient to just have open while you go for a walk. If it had the sense of actually tracking

I don’t think Pokevision should have been allowed to continue operating in the long-term...but I think Niantic/Nintendo ABSOLUTELY should have turned a blind eye to the app until they fixed the functionality in their own goddamn game. I am 100% behind the developer of the app on this one.

Do you actually read these articles and know why this is an issue, or do you just have two settings, but can only “Sit on Fabricated Moral High Ground” because “Fuck Off and Mind My Own Business” is broken?

Just to answer your question: Yes and no.

The procedural generation they describe is not impossible; technically, it’s not even that hard. To put it in perspective for you, take a deck of cards; any regular deck of playing cards, which includes 52 unique cards. If you have one card, there’s only one possible

So true! When I was a teen I invaded Poland. We all make youthful mistakes.

The day companies get penalized for the day we have democracy back...

I think I’m most offended by your belief that you understand evolutionary biology. It’s enough that you are wrong on the science, you don’t need to compound the sin by adamantly insisting that your espousing scientific fact.

To each his own, but I actively HATED it. The other games are challenging, DSII is just fucking cheap.