
That’s gotta be the dumbest thing I’ve heard in awhile. That’s your fucking argument? Why did you even bother ejaculating that response? Because that’s what you did, you splooged some mindless drivel. Don’t join the conversation if you can’t be bothered to actually participate.

Your analogy is flawed. I don’t know why you chose your subway analogy it’s kinda of silly but whatever. There is no functional difference if Subway tells you that for you $10 you get a bag that will contain 5 items from a list posted on a board. And that’s basically what loot boxes are. You’re GUARANTEED to get

That makes no difference. They’re the same. It doesn’t matter that you are guaranteed anything. The only thing that matters is that you know you’re getting ‘something’. That’s the only pertinent piece of information when deciding if it’s gambling or not.

Gawker and their ilk treated the story in exact alignment with their ethics. In that they’re a tabloid pretending to be high and mighty journalists. It’s why they’re laughed at all over the internet. Because of their blatant hypocrisy.

Exactly. If buying a pack of pokemon cards isn’t gambling, then neither are loot boxes. This isn’t rocket science.

For what it’s worth I feel ya. But the people on this website are not the people to ask your question to. They’re just not. They’re not interested in a good faith ‘meeting in the middle’.

I don’t think you’re wrong. Coin miners are inflating the price from what I’ve read elsewhere.

Can we refrain from using the term ‘evil’ for Ubisoft? I hate them as much as the next guy, but lets reserve evil for things that are actual evil. Like murderers and orange haired cheeto politicians.

I see somebody fell off the turnip truck yesterday. Games are pretty much always cracked. And those people who play the cracked game don’t have to put up with the invasive DRM. So regardless of how you feel, legitimate purchasers are the ones punished.

First of all, if you’re not familiar with JuniperSage and the axe that he’s grinding 24/7, please do so. So since you’re such a fan of context, please take that into context.

Holy fucking christ. NOBODY is arguing that blacks aren’t shot at a higher rate. NOBODY! Nobody has said otherwise. Where are you even getting that? Are you willfully being this obtuse?

You’re arguing that average people are Tom Brady and that while he might have had incriminating evidence, he almost certainly had shit on there that he doesn’t want leaked to TMZ. And I can hardly blame him.

Not even Brady would argue that he DIDN’T ask them to lower the PSI. But there is zero proof that he asked them to lower it below the league minimum. If you ask that they get lowered to exactly the league minimum and then they go lower because of the cold, is that cheating? Because that is all the evidence you’ll find.

Ahh an autism joke. See now we’re getting somewhere as to what kind of person you are.

Why do you keep harping on this ‘larger percentage’ argument? It’s not germane to the argument. You could easily say that because there are more poor white people who can’t afford it, THAT’S why it’s failing.

Oh no you don’t. Way to move the goalposts. I provided a link that showed that indeed white people are shot more my police. I didn’t have to do anything more than that to show you’re full of shit.

Dude, you’re wasting your time. They can’t understand simple concepts like how total numbers and percentages or averages are two different things.

Jesus Christ you’re fucking dense. Whether this fails or succeeds isn’t about the percentage of a white or black people. It’s about the TOTAL numbers sold. So his point is totally valid.

I guess assholes don’t take Sundays off...