
That’s just alot of blame shifting. That’s saying I can’t be responsible for myself because reasons. The second you start making up bogeymen for your problems, it never ends.

That’s their M.O. Don’t agree 100% with their argument? Rape apologist! Or misogynist! Or racist! It goes on and on. They’re not willing to discuss or debate anything. They’re just looking for back pats from their partners in the ol’ echo chamber.

For what it’s worth, I feel ya. Why take any responsibility for our actions when we can just jump on the ‘blame men’ bandwagon? Everything is mens fault.

And sometimes men are socialized to put womens happiness before their own. Ever heard of happy wife, happy life? That shit goes both ways. I’m not going to say it’s equal, it probably aint. But everybody seems to base their own opinions off their own personal experiences.

Ironic you wrote that. At least I used ‘I’ to denote what I do. As opposed to you, that chose to use ‘we’ as if YOU equaled the entire gaming community.

I don’t pay blindly. I don’t preorder games, and I don’t purchase a game until I’ve looked at multiple reviews from various places. 60 bucks for something that might suck ass means I do no less. Hell I do it for $20 games.

You’re about a dumb motherfucker aint ya? I’d pile on, but you’ve gotten plenty reamed by enough other people. Go sit in the corner and put on your dunce hat.

Would you still pay that 80-100 bucks if you didn’t know beforehand if it was going to be any good?

Wow, way to really back up your claim with hard facts. How is that person wrong? Painting an entire race with the same brush is fucking racism. It’s like the definition of racism.

No, she is wrong. She couldn’t be more wrong. All white people are racist? Is this one of those fucking idiotic arguments that start with black people can’t be racist, because institutional blah blah? As if somehow the actual definition of racism has somehow changed?

Time to buy stock in frozen pizza companies. I hope this doesn’t count as insider trading.

At least those don’t have 4 doors.

Oh God I’m with the Charger guy. Don’t fucking remake a muscle car and give it 4 doors. Just fucking don’t.

You write for a set of blogs that feature articles that inform people about celebs hacked pictures. And then write blogs about to talk with your partner about Justin Biebers penis. I could go on and on. You guys have zero moral authority. Zero.

I must be giving Mayweather too much credit. Because the fight I saw was Mayweather seeing early he didn’t have anything to fear from Conor, so he let him get in alot more punches then he would have Pacquio not too long ago.

Hahaha. I don’t get this naive outlook. There are people in this world who will rape and murder you, and then leave you in a ditch. And not feel a shred of remorse afterwards. They can’t be reasoned with, and they can’t be made to feel bad. Oh, and consequently there are also people who will hack your phones,

A thousand bucks a month, after you already purchased the thing. Some people just live on a different plane of existence from myself.

The only tears I see are those of the fragile black people, you included Mr. Harriot.

Oh I’ve given them a try. I hate the bandwagon effect, so I usually look for a reason to buck the prevailing winds. She just wasn’t very funny. And that’s trying like hell to account for personal taste. But then again, I thought Chapelle’s couple showings were kinda meh.

When you choose to even publish stories about the leaks, you’re at least partially culpable. How many people wouldn’t even know they existed if you hacks weren’t reporting on it?