
Yeah the’re full of ‘evidence’ that don’t really add up to shit. Full of logical fallacies.

Load of horseshit.

I’ve seen debate, mostly reasoned. Haven’t seen these MRA’s and bigots you speak of. Unless you’re saying anybody who disagrees with you is one of these people.

I would have less of a problem with this, if I knew the same judgment would be handed down to a poor, minority. Kids really do make mistakes and use poor judgment. It’s not always right to jump to the conclusion that they’re horrid through and through and need to be hauled off to jail, where they’re burdens of the

You’re by far the one freaking out the most.

Only an asshole makes a sarcastic post that in no way can be obviously seen as sarcastic, and then calls people assholes when they don’t see it. I’m guessing you also like to spout out inside jokes, that only you see as well.

Again, beside the point.

That’s all fine and dandy for you. But you asked a question and it got answered. (Left hander with watch on right wrist.)

This game is 50% of a good game. Unfortunately it’s the boring 50%.

The inventory is indeed BS. They could double it and it would still be BS. The game feels like half a game to me. I’ve heard it described as an overblown tech demo, and there’s truth to that as well.

I did the pidgey evolution xp grind the other day. I don’t recall how much exp I got, but I doubt it was even close to 600k. You have to be doing alot to get that close. I’m not worried about a soft ban, and I don’t think you should either.

It honestly doesn’t seem as bad as it was a couple weeks ago. There was only about a day or two where it was egregious. And I think Niantic said it was a bug. It’s not as easy as it was when the game first came out, but honestly I kinda expect it to get harder as you get higher in level and take on higher level

I feel ya. It’s frustrating, because you just can’t help but feel like it wouldn’t be too hard to make some changes, that would turn it all around.

No bipolar indignation here. I have no problem with prisoner labor per se. But having them create life saving gear for soldiers, that are almost certainly ridiculously overpriced, leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

You just got trolled, and fell for it. Dipshit Bobby literally wrote it knowing what the comments would be.

This a troll article. There is literally no correct response to it.

Ahh yes. A troll article on the eve of its own destruction. I won’t miss you Bobby Finger. Here’s hoping you never write for anybody ever again.

And creating a type of herd mentality that through that magnifying of crazy, actually brings people that might have normally been on the edge, down into the abyss with them. They’re like a negative force multiplier. It’s sad.

I wanted to facepalm about people getting stupid tattoos about stupid games that won’t last as long as their tattoos, but who am I kidding. I have a spaceman spiff tattoo that doesn’t look a fraction as nice as most of those do.

I’m kind of in the same boat. I have a bad back. Walking slowly and with my head down makes it even worse. The pain pills I take don’t last very long in this sort of environment. The big difference for me is that I have a park near my home with 3 pokestops I can access while walking around a 1/2 mile track. So I can