
Justin Bieber's always doing something baggy in the back.

And thus, from the depths of the Balrog's innards, in the stinking troll pit, were born the Super Sluts. AND THEY SHALL RULE THE EARTH.

I found this conversion chart in my sex binder (binders full of women, amiright?)

It seems like such a tough call—writing is cathartic, even if (especially when?) you're being asked to write from another's point of view, and I think students should always be encouraged to explore deeper-than-surface-level topics ... but most of the time there's no way to know if writing about something like suicide

I fell in love with Skins back in 2008 and always felt slightly guilty over it! Like as an adult I'm trying to relive memories I never made because I was too busy going to bed early or heading off to Bible study. It's that key factor of casting real, believable-as-the-age-they're-portraying teens that makes it so much

Bah, I am a newbie commenter and can't figure out how to post a pic from a URL, sorry for my ineptitude!

It may have been more descriptive to just write: "This is an event happening at a place somewhere that involves people talking about things that made them feel good and/or bad that may or may not be related to themselves or to other things."

Okay, it's not like I think "Pretty Wild" is good by any measure of anything, ever, but I just watched it on Netflix in anticipation of Bling Ring, and it's FASCINATING. It's like an anthropological study on a group of humans who think and behave in a way so incredibly different than I do, and I can't not watch it,