
Other people can’t smell that?

Among other things, I think it is erroneous to assume that the only misconduct that could be involved by an officer in the shooting of a civilian would need to be race based. I’m not comfortable looking at a situation where an innocent man was mistakenly approached by a police officer and who was shot and killed

(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—

Anti-choice. That’s the proper term and one I’ve heard used a lot. I like it because it really gets at what the movement is all about: restricting freedoms. These people don’t give a shit about life.

They just need a new name, other than pro-life. How about alt-life?

Ok, now picture her cute little son sitting next to her also coloring in his little prince’s coloring book, and it gets a lot more bearable.

I’m also a rape victim (fuck using gentler terms, I was raped), and have zero problems with this game.

It’s both mentioned and linked. And I wrote a piece about it on Thanksgiving.

And yet your comment is here. And out of the grays. Crazy, huh?

It’s an uplifting name. She’ll float above all the other children. When others react to her unusual name, she’ll remain inert.


I love her. Her courage, her beauty, her dimples. Those dimples!

She’s a gorgeous young lady and an excellent role model.

The real people who should be offended by his tweets are the Trump Election Monitors that worked so tirelessly day and night so that illegal brown people stayed the fuck away from Wallmart, schools, senior centers, etc on Nov 8th.

It really, really, reeeeeaaaaally bugs him that he failed to win the popular vote.

“There is widespread voter fraud. But not perpetrated by Republicans. And not in PA, WI, or MI, so there is no need to do a recount. The recount is unfair to me. But I won, totally legitimately.”

The president elect says there was voter fraud. Better do a nationwide recount.