
Time Magazine has a really good article about how conspiracy theories are shaping the upcoming election and how people end up parroting QAnon beliefs even if they have never visited a QAnon site.

He didn’t want to create a panic....on Wall Street. Remember the story where the Republicans were selling off stock at the same time as they were telling everyone that there was nothing to see here.  They pretty much all knew what was going to happen and were well briefed on it.

If only he’d been recorded bragging about sexual assault, or mocking the disabled, or something...

He is objectively dumb. But not entirely so. He’s very aware of many of his obvious deceptions. He’s a sociopath. 

You probably didn't watch the 2nd video, or read the transcript. The guy could have went another way. Bye 🤡

Best thing would probably be stay home.

I work for a municipality and we drive old police vehicles after the cops are done with them. Most civilians don’t realize it’s not a police car anymore, they see the dog-dish rims, the lack of chrome trim, and the “Police Interceptor” badge on the trunk lid.

Before the 2002 Toyota Pro-Celebrity Race during the Long Beach Grand Prix, Tommy Kendall and Danica made a side bet, whomever finished higher in the race would lead the other around the paddock with a dog collar and leash.

Wrong. You are free to say whatever you want. You are, however, not free from the responsibility and consequences of what comes out of your mouth. 

Stolen from Rayce Archer below:

Direct transcript, “Fuck Fuck FUCK” as his assistant arrives to fix his computer in an angry rage way.  

Chairman: “Is Senator Carper there?” [Pause] “We’ll move on to Senator Langford.”

“Sure it was mega condescending, but did you ASK women about it? Some women love being condescended to, probably! I haven’t asked them, but that sounds plausible to me!!”

Thanks. As someone who avoids Twitter like the plague, I was also confused by that bit of jargon.

If you’re gonna use jargon in the article can you at least explain it? I spend a fair amount of time on Twitter and I still had to Google what “ratioed” means.

Is there information on how much data a typical kotaku page uses? This page alone has 7 ads and an autoplaying video

I’m not knocking streaming or people who watch it. But what’s the appeal of someone like Dr. Disrespect? Do you watch because you’re envious? Do people genuinely like him as a person/character? Is it shock value in the same vein as Howard Stern?

Like, I’ve watched him briefly a couple times to see what he does and he

I was thinking this.
I don’t see a major or even minor EU or North American city on the list. This headline could have easily been “living in an developing nation that pollutes like its 1977 LA is bad for your health.

Correct headline: idling in traffic with your windows down in developing countries with minimal pollution controls increases your exposure to pollution (which may or may not be a meaningful increase that has health outcomes because we didn’t test that).

Instead of not acknowledging it or explicitly showing it, the game opts for a middle ground between these two extremes. The result is a muddled and indecisive depiction of Jim Crow.”