
I'm happy that the mood was better yesterday, but there is no way that it makes up for what happened over the previous days. I feel like people are going, "now it's over, everything is fine." But it's NOT FINE. There are a lot more names that need to be released, including the police officers that unlawfully

Everytime I see this game, I think "trying way too hard"... guess it's not for me. But I prefer it if a game is just naturally funny instead of repeatedly saying to me "this is fun, you're having fun, now laugh and enjoy the game".

What the fuck is this sellout bullshit?

This guy is ridiculously impressive. The recoil control and head-tracking is unreal. And some of those knife kills.. This is what a montage should be. No over-editing, no distracting effects or music, just unadulterated skill on display.

Bungie needs to add proximity chat.

I think it's also worth mentioning that this is the type of game that clearly shows how art style > graphics. Mind you, I definitely uses some nifty tech in the background, but the art-style, and how everything is shaped/colored looks so good. Easily beats some of the most graphically advanced titles that try to

So he was polite and respectful to start with and she kept talking and refusing to listen to him, when he repeatedly asked her for her id which she didnt give him and refused to let him speak. He gave her plenty of warning about what was going on... so I dont see the problem here.

S'nothing to do with being weird, and everything to do with having a mind that isn't confined to operating within a narrowly-defined set of parameters.

As someone with a milder form of CP than the mother featured in the documentary, I'll say that smoking marijuana was most likely the best thing that happened to me.

Henchman: "Sir, we've released the images. They're splashed across every autoblog on the internet. They've even hit Jalopnik!"

Supporting Xbox One would be like supporting someone that wanted to rape you that only stopped because they got caught in the act.

Sorry Microsoft, I can't support someone that doesn't care about their customers or consumers. I just can't. You can see how they really felt with their initial responses; they only changed

time and time again people make this argument about having a stable connection. ITS NOT MY CONNECTION THATS THE PROBLEM its their servers. As we have seen with EVERY game that required some type of online drm, we see their servers fail after massive demand and its even worse when its not a particular game but a

You guys need to fix the "back" functionality. Clicking on an article and then hitting back to go back to the latest/recommended view will not actually load the page/location that you were on. This is rather annoying and deters users from wanting to click into articles to read the details.