
Well there has been an interesting changeover at the SB Nation site for the Colorado Avalanche.

I don’t understand how winning a championship answered any of the criticisms that people had. It was the easiest championship a “superstar” ever found.

I’m not clear on whether the Browns are actively tanking this year or just regular bad, or if there’s a functional difference between the two.

I have never understood the bitching from Florida about Meyer. He won two national titles there, overextended himself, and then left. Move on.

You would think that Deadspin would move one or two of these comments out of the greys to see if anyone has an answer. But nope, just sticking with an “I’m Fine” joke.

Seems like she is going to have a major issue establishing damages (except for Tumpkin). Taking what she says as true (and I see no reason to doubt any of it), the timeline is:

It’s standard internet behavior to treat any apology as a chance to pile on and bury the wrong doer. It’s pretty easy to shame any apology,It will get stars. I particularly liked how the OP suggested these lines:

Think that’s Harriet Bird. They look great together.

“Hey, I’m not bothered by his protest. I think it’s great. I’m just saying that it’s possible some of the guys on the team feel uncomfortable or guilty or weird about it. I’m just looking out for those guys.”

Oh man, Ryan’s “rant” about the new fans from Ohio State is a humble-brag work of art. He manages to pin the negative reputation of the team’s fans on some new bandwagoners from a slightly different area of the state. Who also like the big area college team. I think perhaps Ryan does not like that team.

Hey splinter, this is a powerful article, but why not show a picture of Erik McFadden? I get that he is far from convicted, but he’s still a person of interest on the run, no? Seems like it would be good to get his picture out there as often as possible. 

You’re presenting that as a Cleveland problem, but its a league problem. That combination of having a historically great team that a historically great player decided to join was crazy, maybe even unique. Cavs have done plenty wrong, but you can’t just blame them for not also pulling in another Durant.

All true - but it think it is driven by the era we are in. All of this summer’s crazy free agent movement and trades are meaningless in the shadow of Golden State. It’s fun to pretend otherwise of course. In another era the Cavs would be a contender and would be tweaking this team for a run next year. Instead they

Yep. This would be an amusing story if performed by someone other than that humorless ass.

Well I took my daughter to see Dolphin Tale 2, which is sub-Nickelodeon level. I get that it’s a family movie, but so cliche and predictable to the point of being insulting.

Soooo, shouldn’t we able to find out who this loser in the crowd is, like with other crappy fans?

At least they are buying out Beauchemin.

I don’t know if your family or community can ever be proud of you.

Don’t miss Rachel defending herself in the comments on the Daily News article from some monday-morning quarterbacking.

From wikipedia: