
Coincidentally, it feels like I’m wearing

He stopped, Wes dropped, Harden opened up shop
That’s how these Rockets roll

He died as he lived, playing basketball at only a mediocre-at-best defensive level.

Also, what’s up with the lack of a comma after the year as a part of a date in the middle of the sentence?

This is truly awesome. Even tossed in the cooking thing and everything.

I’m even more proud to be a born and bred Houstonian after reading this.

To add to any confusion you may have over his geographical allegiances...

...he is from Tomball, TX, a suburb of Houston, but, whenever anybody even posits that he’s from the Houston area, he disavows it with a “No, I’m from TOMBALL”

No one here really makes that fucking distinction at all, but whatever, Jimmy, with

So, like, no one caught this was from Shawshank Redemption?

As a person of Indian descent — the country India — FUCK COLUMBUS.

This needs all the stars

Ironically, people may think you’re talking about the heat, but it’s looking like floods today, which is the other side of that awesome coin

That looks like a Russian edifice on the back of your chair more than anything that was ever from Mughal architecture, like the Taj Mahal

But, I don’t expect a Trump organization to get these nuances right

McGraw-Hill, the company I used to work for (actually, a subsidiary of theirs), is in that same building, I believe.

The Jason Kidd comparisons need to be more prevalent. Spot on;.

so THAT’s where Mike Joooooooones, Mike Joooooooones has been!

And here I thought he was sitting around in a San Antonio jail for sex trafficking. Nice to see the Post’s diversity in hiring.

From a person of Indian descent, you nailed this.

Ruffian, where in the Baltics? I spent three months in Estonia and love that part of the world, made even better by the fact that I got to party — oops, I mean, study? — with a ton of Latvians and Lithuanians as well.


+1 Awesome Simpsons reference

+1 awesome Dumb & Dumber reference

Nailed it.