Meega Nalla Kweesta

Yup, turn it into a of week of civic duty, with polling and information stations set up and one or two paid days off not connected to the weekend meant specifically to educate then vote. Perhaps even with some sort of tax break for eligible voters who voted.

Has she “boys will be boys” yet?

I’m pretty sure at this point the cry to reopen schools was because they weren’t traumatizing kids with yard police that run away from shootings but arrest kids for not doing their homework.

As we all know, if antifa takes your picture they capture your soul, those are all forced slaves of antifa.

I’m pretty sure a core belief of conservatism is that only fools trust anyone beyond themselves and anyone you convince to trust you is a sucker to be used.

Why? Because you were told to be scared of them, so they frighten you?

An influx of crime by lawless right wingers is exactly what has happened!

I was thinking, this seems like a great time to remove any obvious spy devices before the new administration comes in and questions the spy camera with a “This is not a spy camera” sticker placed on it..

I can’t wait for horns dude to run on the platform of “I was the horns dude, wasn’t that rad!”

Yup. Trump is such a textbook narcissist it feels a bit weird for the textbook to be so accurate about a single person.

I’m sorry. It must pain you to be psychically connected to Trump in this manner because, oh god, that is absolutely something he would think!

I really wonder how long it will take the tourism industry to rebound from america being labelled the land of nazi covidiots.  We weren’t really known for our intelligence or politeness to begin with.

Terrorist Tim Gionet aka Baked Alaska, is apparently covid positive, as he spreads a dangerous disease around trespased offices, I have to wonder at what point is this a biological attack on the US capitol?

*waves* Hi to the many now silent “violence and property destruction are never the answer” folks hoping the coup goes their way.

Sadly there’s a lot of similarities to the men who murder suicide when all the promises of the white male dream weren’t delivered to them just because they followed the script.

Lol, This is clearly a plastic bottle but to make it appear more luxurious a fake glass like reflection has been added to the fake shadow.

I don’t have twitter.

Unfortunately more often than not, becoming the token friend for someone with a long and deeply held viewpoint often results in that token being seen as special, and not like those other blanks, or becomes a justification for claiming their pain as her own and then speaks for them.

Nope, she claims she just made it up, just magicked out of thin air the name. But thanks for playing Excuses for Rowling!

Some assholes stirring shit, yes, but civil war, no. For no other reason than these are still the “send snacks” type idiots that have no lasting power, or organization beyond cosplaying film and video game soldier.