Meega Nalla Kweesta

The double think required to both claim the system is rigged while also using that as the reason to *not* change the system out of  gop control that rigged it, and promoting that as the rebel option, to defend the status quo, like a rebel, is amazing.

I so tire of the short ambiguous answers.

I’m not sure what the point of the quoted bits are, but notice how she only really cares about trans bodies when it’s an example of male violence. She’s happy to cry at their pain, when it mirrors her own, and can be used as ammo, and then just as happy to go out of her way to support anti-trans programs, when it

Ah so you don’t know she writes under the pen name Robert Galbraith. Who just happens to be the father of conversion therapy.

Sure she supports gay conversion therapy and has spent time attacking trans people, which somehow makes her not anti-trans.

I’m confused, these are reasonable questions, what are you doing here?

There are literally hundreds of ways a rich person can pay to educate themselves on a topic. It’s certainly not their fan’s responsibility to spend their time dragging them kicking and screaming to a free trough they refuse to drink out of.

Sure Rowling supports gay conversion therapy, thinks feminism is attacking trans folk and defending hiring an abuser, but has anyone just tried to be nice to her, maybe it’s really all the mean people’s fault she’s horrible... /s

So either you don’t know about, or support Rowling’s support of gay conversion therapy.

Ok then.

Haha lol!I’ve taken a biology class... or two. Can you explain your position, or is this just a ‘lul common sense, derpy derpy’ type of reply.

Spelling corrections, what is this edgelord usenet. 

Yeah it’s a blog, often reporting on industry drama, I can see if all you read is gmg being confused into assuming its ‘community’ is all that speaks on this subject.

I’m saying that you’re reading the after the facts on this blog and that if you want the forefront Rowling interactions you need to go somewhere she is. This is the post fight recap, and next fight gossip.

Have they ever spoke with her, or otherwise suggested that she reads these blogs? Cause it seems odd to ask someone nicely when they never hear the question.

Yes.  Everytime she doubles down.

What is ‘the essential nature of sex’?

What’s her point then?

Ya know, if when one of a group says something you like and you suddenly act like they speak for all of that group, to get a jab in at someone else; it’s clear to those paying attention you don’t really care about that group.  

I know you are but what am I