
So you’re saying that to fix New York’s affordable housing problems, the first step should be to eliminate literally the only mechanism by which any affordable housing exists in the city at all?

I absolutely agree the facts are not in. No one would like them to be any more than I would either, we need much more testing and science if only to stop all the silliness about anti-freeze. I’m simply saying there is absolutely, unequivocally, inarguably no where near the amount of documented, proven harmful and

How bout being positive and realize that people are no longer smoking instead of being blind to a great thing. If the smell bothered you, im sure could have stepped up and asked them politely to vape it outside. I would have said, man that flavor stinks while laughing and asked not to vape it inside. But youd rather

There is absolutely no doubt that whatever the risk involved in vaping, it is less than the risk in actual smoking. (Google it.) It is quite simple to make your own juice from pharmaceutical grade ingredients with absolutely no flavoring. I do it all the time. 20 - 30 minutes of internet research will also help you

Yes, but some of us were dumb teenagers who started smoking because it was cool, and now want to not die from that decision. I admit that I look and feel stupid when I vape, but better than dying from lung cancer

Oh absolutely. Hence why I usually either ask if people mind, or just straight up won't vape there....

Yep, you found the answer in your edit. Nicotine is basically just a stimulant not terribly much worse than caffeine, except that it’s highly addictive and bad for unborn babies. So pregnant women should not vape, either, unless they use the no-nicotine juices which simulate the smoking action and feel (which helps

I love peach rings so that sounds much more pleasant !

my newest flavor is Peach Ring... it tastes and smells like peach ring candies.... mmmmmm

I thought nicotine itself was in some way harmful to one’s health if consumed frequently over the long term? A factor in cancer cell growth? So while the vape juice might not be bad for you, the nicotine is still questionable?

My husband used to smoke and every so often he has anxiety issues and feels the urge to pick the habit back up again. The last time it got really bad, we got him the stuff for vaping. It gave him something to fiddle with and use as a substitute for the rituals of smoking. Sometimes he vapes a lot, others a week or two

Do it. Seriously, who cares what people think?

My younger brothers vape just because, and I think it’s kinda dumb but eh, rather they do that than smoke. I wish my older brothers would put the cigarettes down and vape instead.

Do yourself a favor and go with a mid-range/priced device. A full setup should cost maybe $65-$80. Just pay it. Otherwise, you will be back at the vape shop in less than a month looking to upgrade.

It’s so worth it! My last cigarette was at noon on New Year’s Eve, and I’ve gone down to basically two cigarettes worth of nicotine from a pack a day. Nothing else worked for me (and the cheap cigalikes, like the Blu, didn't do anything either - I had to get a real setup). I don’t know why people are so pissy about

I promised myself I was going to buy one today. I’m (really desperately) trying to quit.

Pretty much, yes, you are. FYI, some people don’t vape to be or look cool. They vape in an effort to quit cigarettes and live longer lives.

I quit cigarettes when I started vaping in March. I went from a 20 year, pack-a-day habit to vaping the equivalent of 3-4 cigarettes worth of nicotine a day. I haven’t had one cig since I bought my first vaping device. The juice I use has 4-5 ingredients, pharmaceutical grade nicotine being one. I don’t stink of

I started vaping a few weeks ago so that I could quit smoking without wanting to murder every person in the world. I like it because you can regulate the amount of nicotine you’re getting, and step it down. You also don’t get all the carcinogenic chemicals in cigarettes, if you get high quality stuff from trusted

Pretty sad that he didn’t mention once that those 10% of Americans who are vaping, are not now smoking cigarettes, things we know, for a fact WILL kill you. Pretty pathetic and uninformed piece imho.