I don't know why, but Shoko-tan bugs me.
Suddenly her crabs don't seem so bad.
It just wasn't a very "Superman" thing to do, was it?
I wouldn’t exist if not for the ugly historical fact of slavery.
Hear, hear! Attack On Titan is absolutely horrible
Some people date for awhile and/or get married before progressing to sexytimes. Not me, but some folks do. You can still have a girlfriend if you're waiting, but if you're not even kissing each other you're just friends.
so Apple is run by HAL 3000 and everyone sorta reports to him?
Tongue in her mouth? Sorry, I live by a higher standard of tongue placement in regards to girlfriends.
I cannot stand the art style and character designs that Final Fantasy games have been given, ever since FFXI. No real soul or heart or style behind them at all.
Yeah, the helium-voiced "I'm trying to sound like a four year old girl even though my character is supposed to be 16" thing always grated on my nerves.
So glad to hear this. The reason why I usually cant watch subtitled anime is just the high pitch whining of the girls. I Thought I was being racist.
Sadly, it already became a deep rooted culture and everyone just accepts it as the way it goes. They should really start to break down this system that breeds obssessiveness and artificial fantasies.
1) Doorknobs have apparently been sexualized
I'm with Miyazaki. I'm tired of students spending most of the time texting instead of, you know, paying attention to my lecture. And the first person that says I should put on a dog and pony show to keep their attention, I wouldn't have to if students weren't texting in the first place.