No, that’s just a straight up affair
No, that’s just a straight up affair
Adam ruins everything has already show how big game hunting can help these countries and like Trevor Noah said its Zeb-Brah not Zee-Brah since we don’t have these animals in our country we don’t get to name them.
Chick-Fil-A is all smoke and mirror its a racist company and the owners down own the franchise they only least them until they leave or ask to leave they are know as operators only. that sweet innocent white saint persona is all a front.
that is now how crap in a barrel works. that is if party A shoots, steals, implicate party b and ruin there life when it was not call for. that is how that works.
he earned that money while still speaking up and out. do you want this man broke with his sign on the side of the road. Kap had once choice take the money or leave the money; either way he was going to speak out.
but it doesn’t. that’s the thing! they spend a God awful amount a money on crap that could be use to fix the damn problem. if they all gave 10 million each how much would that be and how much good could they do in these countries to stop them burning fossil fuel. buy solar generators or solar panels and even wind…
That is crap for something so expensive and not much more fast or fun than a model 3
you get it.
I say one thing Fredrick Douglas! we have buying power. lets compete and make our own policy and drive these people out of business and power. end of story! we can all have a dream but the dream needs to real world power to help it take shape.
where i live its not just indians and koreans buying them its old retirees its soccer moms its young kids they are buy the 3 hard. our area did well on model s and on a bit on model x. but model 3 was a game changer
but never the less correct
then this well be a test for you. cause this car is not for the you of your youth but your modern today self my love it
so the typical boomer will be replace with the more progressive boomer which is good. cause its leading the way to the next younger gen that want modern European styling and refinement over raw muscle
sometime thats a good thing when that thing they want empowers them and is wrong for all of us in general.
If my Daughter posted her bare bottom on the internet I would same something. This is not empowering ,this is just lewd. it servers no purpose. if she was doing it to draw attention to something then that would be better, here she is just drawing attention to herself which is not needed. she is rich with a famous…
yeah that is what he said some cop kills black cop cause he saw black man with a gun adding the before stuff does not change that. Cops use to be Police offers train to handle these situations. but now they are just C.O.P.S. anyone can be one dont need no degree or cert or even proper training.
oh snap, I love that.
women having sex with rich older guy that still got it is not sexist is life. man having sex with rich older women that still got it is not sexist its life.
yoot yoot!
oh GOD yes that would have been better